"You, Sir, play dirty. But not strategically," she smirks all too demonically for my liking.

I raise my hands in self defense as J turn so my back faced the open water. It wasn't a smart move on my part, and it was clear she had me where she wanted me. But anywhere she wanted, or needed me, I'd be there.

"We can talk this out like the adults we are, baby. I just need you to step away from the very sexy millionaire," I smile, this moment one to go down in the books.

She hums, her hands crossing in front of her but it was hardly visible as we step deeper and deeper into the water.

"Do me a favor, and hold your breath."

Before I know it, she was leaping into my body and in shock, my guard dropped and I'd sunk under the water with her body now wrapped around mine.

As we come up for air, we both begin to laugh.

I tighten her legs around me as she wraps her hands around my neck. "I like you too," she smiles.

A wicked grin crosses my face as I tighten my hands on her ass. "I'd hope so."

A soft hum comes from her lips, "And why is that so, Mr. Wood?"

"Because I get free trips to Hawaii and amazing food from the best chef in the city," I reply mockingly, making her eyes roll to the back of her head for a split second.

"Shut up," she whispers.

And I do just that as our lips connect.

•- Laine Bennett -•

The first day in Hawaii was a complete success. Of course, all Austin and I did was casually make out in the sand with no interest to what everyone else was doing, but it was still a success in my book. Except a shower later and I still have sand in places I wish I didn't.

I toss my towel to the hamper in the bathroom before running my hand through my damp hair. I attempt to dry it as best I can with my fingers because I had no intention of blow drying it for the sake of my arm getting too tired.

Not caring anymore, I pull on my pajama shorts before wandering out into the master bedroom in search of Austin.

When I see he wasn't in the spot I left him, my curiosity peaks. The crime fanatic in me wants to assume someone broke in through the window and kidnapped him and just pray that Austin somehow left an 'If I Go Missing Folder' just in case, but the realistic and boring side of me decides he got bored laying in bed by himself and wandered off to uncharted territory.

Although the first option is still possible. Who knows. We could be the next 'Taken' movie. As long as I get to play Liam Neeson's role.

I shake my thoughts as I step into the hallways. There were three other doors to choose from, and I intended to peak my nose into each of them.

The door right across the hall lead to another bedroom, but the interior was decorated with gold as the main color instead of the royal blue complimenting the rest of the master bedroom.

I shut the door and continue down a decorated hall that wasn't long enough to be straight out of The Shining, but still a little ominous.

I push open the next door and find a smaller bathroom with the laundry necessities in place of a shower, but a royal bathtub remains.

Finally, I step to the last door and tap gently. When there is no reply, I push it open to see Austin seated at a desk with papers askew and his hair tousled.

My presence had gone unknown but I didn't mind as I peacefully watched him trace his pencil along the paper.

He looked free here. There was no Hannah, no press, no work. We were both taking a much needed break and I'm so happy he decided it was for the best if we got away. We both had shit to work through, and he understood that.

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