"What? Me? No, just... talking with you."

"Okay, cool."

Silence. Dan didn't want to be the one to break the annoying quiet again, but this was getting a little ridiculous. He sighed, shutting his laptop so he could focus on the odd person beside him. "Alright, what's going on? You're acting strange."

Phil look like a child caught in the act of stealing a cookie, his eyes wide and feigning innocence. "Strange? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just having a conversation with you."

"That's strange, Phil. Because it seems like I'm the one doing most of the talking." Dan tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. "Wanna try that again?"

"Uh... you caught me, haha." Phil looked down at his phone, uttering no further words. Dan's lips pursed in annoyance, hot air huffing through his nose as he steamed in irritation. Dan was about to chew him out for making no sense before Phil stopped him dead in his tracks.

"So how long have you liked (Y/N) for?"

Dan's blood ran cold, his eyes wide as he looked at his friend, Dan's brown clashing against Phil's icy blue gaze. He felt petrified, like a snake had filled his veins with paralyzing venom. His mouth was slightly agape as he tried to speak, unable to find the willpower to do so. He was stuck, cornered by Phil's bold words.

"I-I, uh-" He swallowed roughly, attempting to regain some of his composure. "I've no idea what you're going on about." He gave an uneasy laugh, looking to the side in order to distract himself. "No clue where you got that stupid idea."

Phil seemed unfazed by his remark. "Oh, I don't think it's stupid at all. In fact," He shrugged his shoulders, keeping his gaze locked on Dan. "I think it's a rather reasonable idea. I mean, (Y/N) is a nice girl. Actually, she's quite incredible. Kind, funny, smart, cute- I have no doubt that guys find her attractive."

The thorns of irritations dug into Dan's skin. "What are you saying exactly? Should I assume that you're the one that likes her, hm?"

"'You're the one that likes her.' So, are you telling me there's other people who want her, Dan?"

He huffed, glaring at his friend with hostility."That's not what I-" He growled, his already thin patience reaching a limit. "So what, you like her then? Is that your answer, Phil?"

Considering the situation, Phil was eerily calm. He averted his gaze, mindlessly scanning his phone in his hands. He cracked a small smile, addressing Dan without looking up. "Dan, that's not my answer-" He paused, his grin widening at Cheshire strength. "But I'm glad to hear yours."

"Wha-" Dan scowled in Phil's direction, wondering if he should be embarrassed or on a murderous spree with how badly Phil played him moments ago. There was no use lying now and Phil's punchable smile made him all the more aware of the situation. Willing himself to calm down, Dan sighed loudly, slumping against the edge of the couch in defeat. "Fine, you win."

Phil smirked, flashing Dan a smile of fake innocence. "I know!" It took everything Dan had to avoid punching his smug friend.

Dan's right arm rested on the corner of the couch, his hand pressed to his head as he tried to think of something to say. "So, what exactly do you want me to say now? It's... not like I wanted this to happen."

Phil shut off his phone and gently placed it on the coffee table. He then turned to Dan, resting himself in a similar position. "Well, there's not much to say really. I just wanted you to admit it for once. Because trust me-' he snickered mischievously. "-even a blind man could see how you look at her with dewy heart-eyes."

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now