Chapter 17

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"There's one!" A shrill voice slices through the forest some distance from us.

"Shit! David, stay here with Kyle."

From the top of a small hill, I see Valentina on the ground. Three soldiers are closing in on her. She jumps to her feet in one motion and a cry of pain rips through her throat. She attempts to run, but I can see blood running down her legs. She only takes a few steps before collapsing to the ground.

I force my legs to go faster. I have to reach Valentina before the soldiers do. I can't fail at protecting someone I care about again. I can't let her die like Cynthia.

I'm too late. By the time I reach them, Valentina's surrounded. I crouch in the bushes, watching as the woman grasps the back of Valentina's head and her chin.

As Valentina's head is forced up, her eyes fall on me. There's no pain in her eyes, no fear. She knows she's done, and she's at peace with it.

In one swift motion, the woman snaps Valentina's neck, and her lifeless body crashes to the island floor.

Inside of me, I roar in anguish. I watch her body twitch and spasm, although she's already dead. Rage builds inside me and for a second, my only thought is wrapping my hands around the neck of the woman who killed Valentina. Only the memory of David's haunted eyes stops me. I can't lead them to David and Kyle. I grip the branch of the bush I'm hiding in, forcing my hand to lock around it, keeping me in place.

"Like I said, too easy." The woman looks to the two men standing with her. "Let's find those other brats. They've killed enough of us already."

I shut my eyes, listening as they walk away. Blood pounds hot and heavy in my head. Valentina...

I'm still there when I hear feet thump the ground behind me. I look up to see David and Kyle making their way down the small hill.

"Stop!" I cry out, motioning them back.

It's too late. David runs towards the crumpled body. I try to grab him, but he pushes past me and throws himself on top of Valentina. "Wake up! Val, wake up!" he cries.

Her eyes are still open. Her neck is mangled, limp, and broken. Her body lies in a puddle of blood, her old wounds ripped open.

David starts crying, then screaming. His tears fall on her broken body.

Kyle tries to pull him off her. I grab his arm before he can. "Make him stop, he's going to give away our location!"

"Let him mourn a second, asshole." I shove Kyle aside and.sit next to David. I put my arms around him.

He pushes and claws at me. When he realizes I'm not trying to pry him away, his body goes limp and he gives in. Gradually, he stops and just sobs into my shoulder.

I shut my eyes, cradling him close. "I'm sorry." Am I talking to him or Valentina?.

Footsteps rush towards us. I spring to my feet, drawing out my knife quickly and pushing David into the bush.

Tim and Kate appear, and Kyle lowers his knife. I keep mine out. There's no sense in putting it away anymore.

Tim stumbles to a halt, staring down at Valentina's body. "Oh my God. How—?"

"How?" I point my blade at him, my voice is low and shaking. "How is it that she's dead, and you two are off in a completely different direction?"

"I—I don't know...we..." Tim can't take his eyes off our dead friend. "We were trying to hide. She was right behind us. We saw them come out, and then... I didn't mean for us to get separated."

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