[ 39 ] Boyfriend?

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"I'm sorry for suddenly showing up in your school like this," Yura says, smiling at Baekhyun. She looks around the cafeteria packed with busy students, "Are your classes done already?"

"Yes, I don't have any more classes left. If you're looking for Chanyeol sunbae, he's at that building on the second floor---"

"No, I didn't come here for him. I actually came here to see you. Please sit down first. I promise this won't take long."

Baekhyun nods, "Okay." Then he takes off his backpack and places it on the table beside him, before he sits down in front of Chanyeol's sister. "Shall I get you anything to eat?"

"No, thanks. I'm on a diet right now," Yura laughs, and Baekhyun can notice she's going back to being cheerful and glowing again. "So, I won't beat around the bush, Baekhyun. The reason why I'm here is to give you this."

Staring down at the money and the credit card outstretched towards him, Baekhyun gives her a questioning look.

"I want you to go shopping with Chanyeol and buy him a new phone," Yura says, "It's really hard for me to reach out to him if doesn't own a phone especially now that he's back to studying again. I also don't wanna always bother you and ask you where he is."

"B-but you don't have to give me this," Baekhyun says shyly, pushing back to Yura the money she is giving to him, "I could just use my own money to buy him a new phone..."

"You sure?"


"But I also want you to buy him new clothes, new underwear, new shoes, new watch, new gadgets and new stuff he would happen to like, though."


"Eat with him too and watch movies together," Yura further rambles, and Baekhyun eyes the money and credit card he has just almost declined. He wants them back, "Since you've been with him for a long time now, you already know his preferences. Right?"

"Yes," Baekhyun answers, snatching the cash and card from Yura's hand again, "Leave everything to me!"

"Thanks. I know I can always count on you," she chuckles, patting Baekhyun's hand, "You're the only person I can ask to take care of Chanyeol in place of me whenever I can't do it because of my responsibilities as a wife and a mother."

"Don't worry, Yura. I'll look after Chanyeol sunbae and take good care of him just like what he did to me back in New York," Baekhyun says firmly, "And I promise to help bring back good memories to him."

"That's good to hear then. Now I feel at ease," Yura replies, standing up to prepare to leave. "Right, before I forgot." She opens her purse and hands a square white envelope to Baekhyun. "I think you still need to see this..."

Baekhyun takes the clean envelope, inspecting it, "What is it?"

"Apparently, it was an invitation for my Mom's upcoming birthday which unfortunately, she wasn't able to experience anymore. She was supposed to give you one," Yura smiles sadly, and Baekhyun can feel there's a slight pain in her eyes, "I'm sorry if I had looked through it, I didn't know it was for you. I just saw it in her drawer when we were moving stuff back in New York."

"I'll open it when I get home," Baekhyun stands up as well, bowing at her a little, "Thank you."

"Enjoy your date, okay?" Yura says, "Drive Chanyeol home tonight, and here." She throws him car keys which Baekhyun instantly catches. "Use my husband's car. Just don't fuck in there."

Been Through: BOOK 3 - CHANBAEK FF ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin