Jolly glared at the other three and muttering something under his breath he knocked on the door.

When there was no response he knocked again; more firmly this time. They heard some noise from inside this time and somebody talking.

Then the door swung open and they saw another girl standing there glaring at them. She seemed as old as the other girl too but gave off a completely different vibe. She had long orange hair and was wearing a scruffy long-sleeved jacket. And she had a murderous look.

"Waddya want?!" She barked at them sharply.

"We want to talk to the other girl."

The three kids stared at Jolly in admiration. How he could keep his composure even now was certainly amazing.

I see this everyday... and Irisu has a sword too... I won't get scared that easily...

Then a second voice replied.

"If you want to talk to our sister you have to talk to us first."

This time it was a guy. He too was around the same age with light bluish hair and he was dressed similar to the other girl. And he was casually swinging an axe in his hand.

Axe... Maybe I should have let Liberta stand in front....

"We only want to talk to her. We mean no harm." Interrupted Felicita.

"You'll talk to us and that's it. Why were you following her?!" The girl snapped back.

Just then Felicita caught a glimpse of the girl with the scar peeking our curiously from another room.

Felicita looked at Jolly. He understood that they had no other choice. He nodded to give his consent.

"My name is Felicita. I'm the host of The Lovers and I need your sister's help to save my father."

Felicita noticed the scarred girl step out of the room to hear her better but she still didn't come forward.

Felicita directly looked at her, ignoring the other two and continued speaking.

"I know you find it hard to believe but all of us are hosts for an arcana. I know you are too. Only if we all stay together can we keep our arcana in check and only then The World will continue to keep the balance. My Papa is the host of the World. Please come with me and help me."

"You will be assured of a home and anything else you need. You will be taken care of by the family in return for your services." Said Jolly knowing that this part might make more sense than the emotional pull for some people.

"Will you come with us?" Asked Felicita.

The girl seemed to sense all their eyes were on her.

"No..." she said as she stepped back looking scared.

"Don't bully her!" Snarled the other girl blocking Felicita's view.

"She was just..... talking" Liberta started off with a shout but trailed into a whisper when he saw the quiet boy with the axe looking at him.

Jolly was still looking at the scarred girl. She noticed his stare and looked away quickly.

"Do you want to stay here and be stared at all your life or make a change?" He asked suddenly.

"What was that old man?!"

Jolly ignored the shout from the orange fireball and also the axe that was dangerously close to him.

"With us you will be one of the family. You do not have to hide who you really are. But you seem to enjoy this misery so I won't force you. A weak host like you will not sustain an arcana for too long....."


The girl finally responded.

"Then prove it. Come with us. Everybody moved aside to let you run in the market. I noticed how you never met any of their eyes. You have no ties to this place. You have no reason to stay."

Nobody said anything. Felicita and the others knew Jolly was harsh in his words at times but this was crossing the line.

"Tell them no, Yuki! Tell them you are happy here!" Shouted the other girl. But the girl in question was staring at the ground, her hands slightly shaking.

"But I'm not, Miki ....Everyone thinks... I'm a freak...."

For the first time the firebrand girl hesitated. Then she turned to Jolly angrily. "You did this! I'm gonna bloody kill you!!"

Jolly was about to pull off his shades when Yuki spoke.

"Stop it! Can... can we go... Please...."
"WHAT?! Don't fall for every two-bit salesman you see!!"

Jolly had never been called that in his life but he swallowed his pride and shut up.

"Please Miki! Please Cecil!"

There was a moment of silence. Then Miki slammed the door in their faces.

"What does that mean?" Asked Nova finally.
"We wait." Said Jolly.

After a long time, Miki opened the door smiling.

"Alright!! We will come!"

"I'm sorry but the offer is only for your sister." Said Jolly as politely as he could.

"Oh..." Then Miki grinned. "Would this change your mind?"

She took off her jacket. At the same time Cecil also took off his jacket; both revealing their shoulders.

Running down their shoulders to their lower arm were the intricate symbols of the arcana.

"Can we come now?"

"Jolly....It's a goldmine... " Liberta was shocked and almost speechless. He could see Jolly was too.

The Empress.... The Hero.... and Justice

"Jolly..." repeated Felicita seeing his dazed expression.

Jolly suddenly smiled. He gave a simple reply.


The New Arcana Famiglia  [A La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now