Chapter 1

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I sigh as I put my book down. I'm currently reading a book it talks about false about werewolfs like if you shoot then with a sliver bullet they will die, Ok now that's just silly I mean if you shoot a human with a bullet no matter what kind it is the human would die too? I know you probably wonder how i know this stuff about werewolfs well.. because I am one I am 16 turning 17 in a few weeks an- oh I am so sorry for rambling I should introduce myself hi I'm Nicole jones let me tell you about myself, I have chocolate brown hair and a very dark hazel eye color tht people mistake for brown my hair is down to my bum I am 5'3 yes I know I'm very short and I am the alphas daughter and I am a werewolf well now you know-
"nicole hello are you feeling ok?" My best friend Brianna said
"huh? Oh bri hi" she stares at me "I swear you love that book more then me" she fake pouts causing me to giggle Brianna is a dirty blond with beautiful green eyes her hair is half way down her back she is 5'5 and is also a werewolf just like me we are in the same pack
"that isn't true I love you more then any old-"
I heard a low growl that only us were wolfs can hear
"will you just shut the fuck up already we all know your a god damn nerd for crying out loud!" I looked at who said it, it was none other then luke hemmings he is blond with a hint of brown with piercing blue eyes and let's just say he is a giant! He is also a low tempered jerk with a lip piercing

"will you just shut the fuck up and mind your own business luke" I low growled and rolled my eyes you can tell that pisses him off by the anger in his eyes luke is a alpha and let's just say you shouldn't piss off a alpha but come on he was asking for it! He growled
"don't ever speak too me like that agin you-" the bell rang cutting him off as I got my books and slung my bag over my shoulder walking out of the room luke was calling after me but I just ignored him, I walked to my locker with Brianna but she had to go to her locker so we went our separate ways, I put my books in my locker getting ready for lunch I closed my locker and turned around regretting it I was slammed up against a locker roughly by none of then the asshole himself luke hemmings, with his lads from his pack the bloodstar pack behind him was Calum, Michael, Ashton, zack, Louis, and jasper I couldn't help but growl luke growled back loudly,
"you will treat me with respect from now on when I'm talking to you, you fucking answer and don't ever walk away from me agin!"

He said threw gritted teeth pushing me harder into my locker.
"put me down you fucking asshole" luke smirked "you want down?" "Yes"
I rolled my eyes then luke dropped me causing me to land on my bum causing me to yelp but luke and his friends to laugh while walking away, I got up slowly and walked to lunch I sat down at my table with my best friends nick, jake, Brianna, josh and of course Lucy, nicks mate, I think they are adorable and are perfect for each other as mates, nick has dirty blond hair tht is always styled to the side with blueish Hazel eyes, jake has brown hair also to the side and blueish grey eyes, josh has dirty blond hair but mostly brown takes over and blue eyes, and lastly Lucy has blond hair and blue kinda green eyes, I smiled widely at them they are my best friends and they are in my pack as well I was about to say somthing when someone tapped my shoulder I turned around and someone dumped there lunch tray on me I let out a growl and looked up it was none other then luke! That's it.

"you fucking jerk" and I slapped him and walked away I heard luke growl I can tell he was angry so as I was out the door I quick ran to the woods behind the school, I shifted quickly and ran as fast as I could to my pack house where I know my father is. I went in the garage and shifted back to my human form and put cloths on I went inside and saw my dad and the rest of the pack I quickly said hello and kissed my fathers and mothers cheek before going to my room shutting the world out while listening to the cab slowly drifting off to sleep..

my mate - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now