Chapter 23

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What in the hell is this creep doing here? Where is Zeus?" Juniper shouted, running from the NICU room the moment she heard nurses and doctors screaming. I couldn't do anything, not a damn thing, as he had his witch kill them. One minute, they stood there, going on with work like any other normal day, and the next...their heads were snapped to the side and they fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Zara, what the fuck?" she growled at me, shooting daggers in my direction. She didn't cross her arms, she stood hunched over with her shoulders wide as of ready to pounce at Cason at any given moment.

"June, get the babies and run!" I begged pleadingly. She would have a better chance running than fighting. Her beautifully arched brows narrowed at me, but she quickly turned on her heal and ran back for the room the babies were in.

I could see Cason raising a hand to her, but I was tackled to the ground before he could stop her. He spun towards me and growled at my attacker. Which, thanks to him, I had no way of fighting off. It was a security guard, and I am only guessing that he thinks I'm part of their little squad. Even if he did, I was so very grateful for him distracting Cason long enough for June to hopefully get away with the babies.

I felt the guard being yanked off of me roughly and thrown across the room. Were there no limits to Cason's strength? He didn't need his little witch bitch to help him, he is strong enough without her, she's just a little bonus it seemed like. And I suppose it's pretty nice having someone who can snap your enemy away with her fingers.

"You dare touch her, you filthy mutt?!" he shouted at the guy. He then turned towards me and offered his hand. I looked away, scowling. Hopefully, I can maybe keep him distracted. I just hope Angelica is in there to help June carry all three of them, since it would allow them to get away much faster.

"Zara, I don't have time for your little fits. Our son is waiting." I instantly jumped to my feet and stood on my tippy toes, with my should wide, making myself seem larger to the terrifying Alpha.

"He's not your son!" I screamed at him.


My entire upper body was twisted to the side. I had to flatten my feet against the floor, attempting to stabilize myself. The force behind that slap nearly had me falling to the ground. My shaking hand slowly inches to my aching cheek. I honestly don't give a shit that he hit me, but I can drag it out and make it dramatic so that he's distracted. I tried my best to remember what my drama teacher taught me about acting upset. I thought about him getting hurting Zeus or June or the baby, and instantly teared up. I whipped my head towards him and narrowed my eyes accusingly.

"Did you really just hit me?" I demanded. I held my bruised cheek. I could feel my bottom lip swelling up. He lifted his head up proudly and shrugged.

"You need to behave, or you'll be punished."

"What is this, the eighteen hundreds? Sorry to break it to you, but you can't tell an adult to behave just because you want them to, Cason." He sighed, rolled his eyes and roughly grabbed my arm. "Let go of me, Cason," I ordered. I tried yanking my arm out of his grasp, but it was like trying to bend steel.

"You're trying to distract me and that is going to get you in trouble, Zara. Come," he growled, pulling me behind him.

"Wait!" I shouted desperately, tugging on his shirt. I turned back to me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What could you possibly..." I cut him off by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him down to my height. His eyes widened with surprise and his breathing sped up.

Just do it. Do it for them, I told myself. You can't offer much to those babies, but you sure as hell can protect them so that they can escape.

I took one breath in and stood up on my tippy toes, touching my lips to Cason's. He didn't back away or act surprised, he simply wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

Still lip-locked with him, I opened my eyes and looked at the NICU room door. I could see June seeing her chance and slowly pushing it open. She held onto the baby girls tightly, while Angelica stepped out behind her with the boy. June stared at me with watery eyes, but I flicked my eyes, telling her to She nodded and turned, quietly attempting to make their escape. Before they fully left, Angelica turned back and I swear she mouthed, "Thank you."

Tears welled up into my eyes, so I shut them and focused on my plan. Cason backed us up until my back hit the front desk. The longer I did this, the longer they had to run.

"Wrap your legs around me," he said. Well, more like ordered. I forced myself to breathe in and nod. His hands roughly gripped my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his thick, muscular torso. His lips were back on mine in an instant, molding onto my own.

I felt his unmistakable bulge.

That's it. I couldn't take it anymore, I'm done.

I shoved him backwards so hard that he tumbled over, landing with a loud thud. His eyes widened and he stared at me in shock.

"What did I do wrong?" he asked me, flabbergasted.

"What did you so...what haven't you done wrong, Cason? You're insane! You're trying to harm my children. You think we have a son. You're just crazy. You need help," I shouted at him.

He pushed himself off the hospital floor, glaring at me. I could tell that he's pissed off, fuming inside. He straightened out his shoulders and stood to his full, intimidating height.

"You..." he said as he stalked towards me, "don't seem to understand..." another step," that you...belong with me. You belong to me. You and our child. But," one more step and he was right in front of me, my chest pressing against his stomach with how tall he is, " I will just have to make you understand."

I gasped as he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and yanked me towards the baby room. His nails felt like small daggers digging into my flesh with how tightly he was holding my arm.

"No!" he shouted loudly, seeing the empty room. "No, no, no!" Cason screamed, punching a wall near him. He reminded me of a child whose parents told him he couldn't have candy. He was quite literally throwing a fit. " were distracting me!"

One minute, I was fine. The next, everything was black...


Hiya! It's been a while! So sorry about that, guys. I'm back. I cannot even begin to believe this story is at 14k reads! 😮😮😭😭 It makes me so happy. 🤗🤗

Sorry, but this chapter isn't edited. I'm trying to go back and edit this whole book this month.

Anyways. Thanks for the constant support, it means the world to me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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