Chapter 12

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I know the last part was upsetting, but you just have to be patient. Above is Hex when he finds out. I don't own the image.

"What the hell is going on?" Hex demanded, running onto the balcony to pull Cason away from Zeus. He had only manage to give Zeus a busted lip before he was dragged off of him. Hex looked to me. "Zara, what happened?"

"I..." I tried to speak, but I could barely get even a word out of my mouth. I was in shock and extremely confused.

"He was forcing himself on her," Cason finished for me, shrugging Hex's hands off his shoulder. Hex's eyes went extremely wide, whipping his head back to Zeus.

"Is this true?" he demanded. Zeus pushed himself up off the ground, his hair falling messily in front of his face as he glared at Hex and then to me. Hex stepped in front of me protectively, hiding me from his view. "Zara, is that what happened?" he finally asked me. I bit my lip hard, hating what just happened and hating that I have to talk about it. I pursed my lips and gave him a stiff nod, then grabbed my left arm in my right hand and dug my nails in, something I did when I was nervous.

It took Hex very little time to react when I confirmed this. He had Zeus against the wall in an instant, his arm pressed against his throat.

"What the hell is wrong with you? She's pregnant, Zeus! With your baby." Zeus let out an angry growl, causing me to flinch.

"Get the fuck off me, Hex, before I rip your arm off," he demanded. Hex glared into his eyes for a moment, then gave him a nod.

"Yeah, sure, I'll get off you. Security!" It didn't take long for a man and a woman to come running out to the balcony and see the situation. They were dressed in the security uniforms and had their weapons drawn in case of danger. Hex gave Zeus a shove before backing away from him. "I want Alpha Zeus escorted off my territory."

They tried grabbing his arms, but he shrugged them off and walked for the door by himself, the guards following close behind him.

"And, Zeus?" Hex said, not even turning to face him. "All those peace treaties and everything we had worked out to become allies once and for all," he said angrily, finally turning his thick, tall form towards him, "I'll be sure to burn it tonight, you fucking bastard." I gulped. No, this was all my fault, I felt. If I just hadn't said anything...

"Like I could give a crap about having a pathetic pack like you as an ally. I will be back for what's mine, though," he threatened, pointing straight at me. Or rather, my stomach. Instinctively, I covered it with my hand, a cold shiver running through my whole body.

"Don't you even think about it," growled Hex. "Get him out of my sight."

I was finally at ease when they escorted him away and his presence was finally gone. I let out a breath of air I hadn't realized I was holding in. Then, sickness washed over me. I kneeled over a potted plant and started puking. Hex was at my side in an instant, pulling my hair away from my face and rubbing my back. I finished, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand. I sat up, turning my body towards Hex. Emotions washed over me out of no where, much like the sickness, and I started bawling. Hex engulfed me in his warm embrace and rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry, Zara. I'm so sorry. That never should have happened." I hiccuped, pulling away to stare at him.

"I'm the sorry one. You lost your peace treaty with him because of me." He cupped my small face in his hands and stared deeply into my eyes.

My Alpha Daddy's (SLOW UPDATES!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن