Chapter 16

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Juniper screamed bloody murder. Oh, she was fine, just an extremely excited Aunty if possible twins. Of course, there was no way of knowing until they were born, but she was excited either way.

"I really hope I get a vision of whose having the twins. I can't wait so many months to know."

"They think the girls are the twins since they're the same size. But, they couldn't get a clear reading for the third baby," I noted. "They're hoping to next time. Maybe we are meant to be surprised."

"Well, I'm happy either way. I get two little girls to adorn in bows and dresses. Zara, do you want to go with me to pick out some clothes? Please?" she pouting, begging excitedly. I chuckled.

"Sure, we haven't spent much time together lately. Angelina, would you like to go, as well?" I asked her.

"Of course. I would love to pick some outfits out."

"Girls day!" June shouted loudly, pumping her fists in the air.

"Hey," Hex said, placing a hand on my should as I tried to walk away with the girls. He lowered his voice to a whisper and said, "Here's my card. I know you haven't been able to work because of how bad your sickness has been. So, take this and spend as much as you want. I want my baby spoiled." He gave me a wink. My words felt stuck in my throat.

I had barely seen Hex lately. I had been so busy hanging out with Cason and he was so busy with running his pack and preparing for our child's arrival. I really did miss him. I felt so close to him when we first met. He's extremely attractive and sweet. I wondered why we had just stopped our relationship progressing without a word to each other. I think maybe because we are both bad with communication. I just felt like I didn't want any relationship while I was pregnant. Especially with my baby Daddy's. I don't ever want to have that fear that I'm only with them because of the babies.

"Thank you, Hex..." I smiled before being pulled away by June. She had us take her car.

" is it you know where this baby store is with no GPS?" I questioned. I was seated next to her in the front seat, so I could see her Adam's apple bobble up and down in her throat nervously.

"Um, well, I just know this town so well," she said very fast.

"She's been visiting them almost daily," Angelina said disappointingly, shaking her head. "You should see the room she has at my house in Paris. The girl was only there one week! How do you fill a closet in that amount of time with such tiny clothes?" Angelina exclaimed.

"Hey! I'm just excited."

"They grow out of those clothes so fast, they probably won't even wear half of them," her mother said to her, laying a knowledge bomb on her.

June pulled into the baby store parking spot. It was called Amy's Children's Place. It had sale signs outside, stamped to the windows.

Yellow tags 75% off.
Red tags 50% off.
Blue tags 25% off.
15% off all winter clothes.

We stepped into the building. It was warm and inviting and smelled so new and fresh. It had such a modern look to it. There were racks of clothes that were organized by colors and play areas. They had the sizes separated and signs letting you know where each sizing was. There was a toys section and shoes. Anything you could imagine.

"I would recommend buying a few premie clothes, Zara," Angelina suggested. "Triplets can often come early. Plus, your doctor already thinks they will be very small. You want to be prepared and not need to be running around with those babies. You'll just want to be home with them."

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