Chapter 17

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Steamy Hex sex scenes ahead. You've been warned. 😘 😉

(Hex's Point of View ~ Six Weeks Later)

I sat at my maple wood desk, sipping a hot cup of coffee. A lot of people might think I would like black, seeing as how I'm supposed to be some brave Alpha, but I actually put so much cream and sugar, you probably wouldn't even consider this coffee anymore.

I had so much work to get done before the babies were born. It was almost unheard of for an Alpha to leave his duties, even for the birth of his children, but I knew I had to be there one hundred percent for the first month. For myself, and them, and for Zara. She would need so much help with all three of them. I just had to get the hard stuff done so that it was easier for my Beta. When Zara became pregnant, I had to choose a Beta. I still held hope that she could try again at some point. She would make a great leader.

"Hexy?" I lifted my eyes from my papers to see Bree...a fling I had last year that we both decided to end once she got a boyfriend. Her thick, long black hair was spilling down her back in wavy tumbles. She didn't wear any makeup except for a red lip color.

"Hey, Bree. What's up?" I asked, giving her a smile.

"Is now a good time?" she asked me. I looked at the mound of paper work, then back at her. I pushed it away and leaned back.

"Sure, come on in," I said, waving for her to enter. Oddly enough, she was wearing a silky black robe. She shut the door behind her and locked it, then turned to me, biting her lip.

"Max...uh, he broke up with me," she said sadly.

"Bree, I'm really sorry about that..." I replied awkwardly.

"He cheated on me and then blamed it on me. I didn't even get a chance to end it first."

"Okay...why are you here?" She tiptoed over to my desk and made her way around it, standing beside me. I moved my rolling desk chair out so that I could stand, but she pushed me back down.

"I just...I want him to know how it feels..." she said, slowly untying her robe. My heart beat raced a bit as she started undoing her clothing, excited to see what was underneath. I couldn't even remember how long it had been since I had been with a woman. Honestly, not that long, but it felt like forever.

"I don't think it's a good idea to do this for that reason..." I tried to say, because I didn't want to take advantage of her in this state, but she shushed me and dropped her robe to the ground. My eyes raked over her body. I thought, maybe she was wearing some sort of lingerie. No. She wasn't wearing a damn thing, expect for her black heels. I groaned at the sight of her. All curves, extremely blessed in the breast department, and creamy skin.

I grabbed ahold of her waist and tugged her to me, letting her straddle me. She giggle, then pushed her hair aside and kissed me. She always did taste good, like the mint gum she always chewed. Her lips were plump and soft as they moved against mine. She tickled my bottom lip with her little pink tongue, so I opened for her. She explored and tasted, all while undoing to tie on my jeans. She hopped off of me to my disappointment, but tugged me up to yank my restrictive pants off. I happily stepped out of them and she pulled my shirt over my head in one swoop. Then, she pushed me back down and kneeled in front of me. I was surprised at her actions, and what she was about to do, but I simply smirked at the beautiful woman before me.

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