Chapter 19

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I was still slightly sore, which I'd heard was normal, even for a fast healing werewolf, but that it should ease up in a few hours. Even a werewolf's body takes time to adjust to not being pregnant anymore, I suppose. The doctor had left already, giving me all the information he could. We were given the green light to see the babies, but to not touch them without a nurse to help us.

"Zeus, can you show me where they are?" I asked, slipping out of the bed. He nodded.

"Yeah, of course," he replied, wrapping an arm around my waist. I didn't really need help walking, but I also didn't mind the comforting touch. I caught a glimpse of Hex walking behind us and turned on my heel.

"You can stay," I told him sternly. His big, brown eyes widened with shock.

"I'm not allowed to see my own baby?" I sighed.

"You are, just on your own time....not with me. Or Zeus."

"Zara, come on...."

"Hex, I don't know if you know this, but it's a bit hard to see you right now. And maybe I'm being a bit dramatic about this, but I honestly can't help it." I could see him biting the inside of his cheek.

"Okay," he said simply. I turned around and left the room with Zeus. I had the sickest, most uneasy feeling in my stomach. Both from what he'd done with that other girl and from not getting to meet our babies together. But what I said was true. It was hard to look at him. And I probably was being dramatic. We aren't dating, we aren't a couple, we really aren't anything except two people sharing a child. So why did it hurt so bad...? I never imagined myself not wanting to see the babies without Hex, but here I was, walking away to see them for the first time without him.

We walked through some sliding doors that read NICU.

"They're in incubators. We haven't held them at all, we were told they need just a bit of time since they're so early and small. It could be a few days or weeks." He took me to three incubators with three different babies that were so small, they made them look huge. I gasped softly. Tubes and IV's were hooked up to their tiny, little bodies.

"They're...they're so small," I whispered. Zeus put his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to my level, admiring them with a bright smile.

"He's a boy, Zara," he murmured. My eyes then went to the only little baby with a blue blanket tucked away. He was so much bigger than the other two, but still so tiny. His skin was bright red, while the two girls had a much darker, but still a reddish hue, skin. I knew instantly that Hex was their Father. So, the little one who refused to let the doctor take his measurements and gender was for sure Mine and Zeus' baby.

"So, he weighs the most. He's almost two whole pounds! The doctor said that's crazy big for a twenty-three weeker, that's also a triplet."

"Wow. He must've stolen all the food," I joked, making Zeus chuckle. "How much do the girls weigh?"

"Well, this one," he said, placing a hand on the warm incubator, "is about one and a half pounds. She...she weighs a bit less than a pound...which is why the medical staff are so worried. She should be bigger."

That's crazy...less than a pound? How would she ever survive at this rate? That's too small, too weak...and way too early, especially for her. The doctor didn't say she wouldn't make it...but he also didn't say that she would. He just thought the other two were golden. How had she even made it this far? I didn't want to give myself false hope, but she'd  survived for hours already, maybe she was a fighter.

I definitely should have seen this coming. With the fact that I could eat, could barely walk from one room the the other. I was also a preemie. But I was born at twenty-nine weeks...not twenty-three.

I sniffled and realized I had been crying. But, why? I wiped at the tears, but they just kept pouring out.

"Zara? Hey, what's wrong?" Zeus begged, turning me around to stare into my eyes worriedly. I didn't want to say it. I absolutely did not want to say what I was feeling at this very moment. It made me feel sick and ashamed. Like I was rotten. I remember my Mother always telling me that I needed birth control so that I'd never have kids, because I would be just like her and hate them. She told me day after day since I could remember that she hated me, never wanted me, and was forced into it because of how the pack rules were back then. I never wanted kids, because I knew deep down that she was right. And the thought of being like her, of bringing someone into the world that isn't wanted, was far too scary.

I wanted to love them, I wanted to care for them. I wanted to feel something for the sweet angels suffering in front of my very eyes. They were beautiful, that much I knew, even at such a young age, even with all the tubes and ventilators attaches to their tiny bodies. They were fighting for life like they wanted it more than anything in the whole, wide world.

At this moment, I knew that they would make it. Even the tiny, little girl fighting to be as strong as her siblings. She would fight until she became strong enough to go home and be with her brother and sister and parents. I felt like she would be the strongest and take care of her siblings, keep them safe from the harsh world they would soon be able to become a part of. But I also knew one last thing. One thing that broke my heart more than anything, but that I needed to tell Zeus and Hex. It hurt to say, it was embarrassing, and it only proved my mother right all these years.

"I...I don't want them, Zeus."


Hiya! How are you guys? Big shoutout to Wyeaudo . You're last comment gave me the inspiration to put that the smallest little girl would protect her siblings when she got strong enough. And you are always supporting the story!

By the way, sorry it's a short chapter, I'm trying my darnedest to make them longer.

We are at nineteen chapters. Woooww. Thanks for always voting, commenting, or even just ghost reading! I'm grateful for it all!

💋 xoxo 💋

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