Chapter 20

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"Cason!" I shouted from the hospital bed. I was being discharged today and he was finally able to make it. He came in carrying a jar of various types of flowers and some balloons. He smiled bright, showcasing his brilliantly white teeth. I waited for him to set them on the table before wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Hey, Zars. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I feel fine." He nodded and cupped my face. "It's nice having someone here that's not going to tell me I just need to look at the babies one more time..." I said sadly. I had been bombarded by Zeus, Hex, Juniper, and even Angelica, telling me I just need to bond with them more, that it would be different once I could hold them. I'm pretty sure Angelica mentioned something about nipple connection...I don't even know. I had heard it all.

Angelica ended up saying she didn't want to see me if I didn't want to be the Mother of her Grand-babies. Her and June were with them constantly. Me? I found it hard to look at them, because they were absolutely correct. If I spend more tome with them, looking at them, holding their tiny fingers, I would start to love them...and they don't need someone like me loving them. They're better off with their Dad's.

"Well, I knew beforehand that you were thinking of giving them up. I guess I had more time to adjust," Cason explained. I nodded. Very true. "I wanted to offer my services to you, milady," he said with a bow. I chuckled at that.

"And what are those, good sir?"

"Well, I know you can't really go back to Hex's pack house." Hex never said I couldn't, but I could definitely tell I wasn't welcome. "So, I wanted to offer my services to you. Come and stay with my pack. With me." I was dumbfounded.

"Cason, I don't want to impose..."

"Are you kidding? Not at all. It will be great having someone to share my giant house with." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Rich people problems," I joked. "As long as it's no trouble," I told him.

"None at all. And, if you want, I can drive you back everyday to see the babies. Or, you can just borrow my car. You can always change your mind. Nothing's final until you sign papers." I tested up slightly.

"Thank you, Case...really. Do you maybe want to meet them before we leave?" He smiled bright.

"I'd love nothing more." I grabbed my packed bag and headed for the NICU. I had only been there the one time Zeus took me, but I remembered where it was like the back of my hand. I stepped into the warm room, holding the door for Cason. Angelica, June, Hex, and Zeus huddled around the babies, turning their head when they heard us walk in.

"What's he doing here?" growled June.

"Relax, June. He's just meeting them," I warned.

"I think you should both leave," said Angelica. "After all, you don't want them, therefore, they aren't your babies, Zara." I felt my chest heat up. I wanted to hurt her, to rip her to shreds for speaking about my babies like that. But then, I remembered what I had said and how I feel. She was right.

"Nothing is official, Angelica. You are merely a Grandmother. This is their real mother. Show some respect until she's had time to clear her head," Cason said in his Alpha voice. She wasn't as affected by it, being a former Alpha herself, but she still had to lower her eyes.

"Maybe we should just go..." I said to Cason. He looked down at me, his eyes full of anger.

"No," he said simply. I looked at him with confusion. "All of you need to get a grip. Zara is nineteen fucking years old. Zeus," he said, motioning towards hums," you're twenty six. Hex, you're twenty nine. Both of you are full on adults. You should be ashamed for even touching her. Zara has barely graduated high school.
You two have had time to settle down. Of course it's a no brainer for you. But none of you have stopped to ask her how she felt about being a mom so young. Or how she was coping. You all just assumed she was fine with it. Well, guess what? She's scared. No, she's petrified, and not one of you stopped to think of that, have you?"

I just stood there, mouth hanging open and eyes wide. Cason just stood up for me. I wasn't quite sure anyone had stood up for me before. Even these people standing before me, who had taken me in and claimed to be my family, but turned away once they realized I didn't want my own children. However, I couldn't blame them for that. I really couldn't. I couldn't even forgive myself for the way I was feeling...the way I was handling my own babies.

"Zara, I never even thought for a second that you were a bad mom or person," Zeus said, stepping forward with a worried expression. "I'm really sorry. You know, Cason is completely right. I forgot to ask how you were. I was just too excited to think you weren't." I swallowed hard, stunned by his sudden words.

Suddenly, Hex took two long strides towards me and enveloped me in a warm embrace. It had been a while since I had this comfort from him. I missed it. I missed him.

He pulled back slightly and cupped my face with his soft, warm hands. His big, brown eyes captured mine in a loving, but apologetic stare. I could see his eyes moving around, looking at every detail of my face, every imperfection, every emotion I was sharing with my own eyes.

"I was wrong. I made a big mistake. Not just...not just last week. From the moment we found out you were pregnant." He paused, looking at Cason, who had his arms crossed and a glare on his face. He looked back to me. "I should have....all of us should have asked you how you were." I bit my lip and stared up at him. I felt guilty, like I apparently was feeling a lot lately.

"It''s okay, you guys don't have to be so deep or apologetic..."

"Yes, they do," Cason said sternly.

"Oh, just get over you damn whiny selves. She's not a victim and you aren't a hero," Angelica sneered. "My son did nothing wrong. At least he loves his babies. Which is more than I can say for this sorry excuse of a Mother. Get out of here and leave my family in peace," she shouted. I looked at her, dumbfounded. I opened my mouth, but kept closing it with nothing to say. I couldn't speak even one word.

Then, out of no where, I heard a cry. Everyone in the room stepped aside and I walked swiftly towards the incubator. The little girl, who was unarmed as of yet, who had been struggling for the past few days. Though I hadn't gone to see her, I wanted to. I didn't feel like I had a right to. I constantly asked the doctor how she was doing. He kept telling me she wasn't even strong enough to cry. I looked down at her now, her arms flailing and her face red from the exertion. I reached my hand inside the safety glove that kept germs from getting to them. I knew I wasn't supposed to without a nurses assistance, but I didn't care.

I reached her tiny hands and she grabbed my finger, her little hand was too small to even reach all the way around it. My heart skipped a beat. Even when I had my moments with Hex or Zeus, my heart and chest never felt as full as it did at this very moment. She stared at me with awe, her pretty blue eyes were only open for a second or two, but it still made me so happy to see them, even for a bit.

I chuckled at her. I know they said it's impossible to know which parent they look like at this age, with their smooched features, but she looked just like her Daddy. I wondered if her eyes would stay blue. She would be lucky to get her Dad's brown eyes.

"Hi, baby girl," I whispered. Hex stood over me. I pulled my hand back when she fell asleep again.

"She's so adorable," he said, admiring the precious little girl. I nodded.

"She looks like you." He smiled, giving her a little wave. "Callista," I murmured.

"Hmm?" he mumbled.

"Her name," I answered, then blushed. He might not like it.

"I love it," he said happily. "That's perfect for her."


Bit of a happier chapter. Enjoy it. 😉 As always, thanks for voting, reading, commenting. I love reading comments!


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