Mate's with my Bestfriends, Boyfriend's Beta.

Start from the beginning

Droplets of water cascaded down my back as I flicked my head up, my towel was still securely around my waist and my feet had soaked the carpet. It was obvious by yesterday, that being with me in that way, had freaked her out completely. But from that kiss... It was obvious she'd liked that.

Jake would know what to do, he always knew what to do. "But Jake isn't here." I muttered bitterly too myself, stood and pulled some boxers on and rubbed at my wet hair with the towel.

"Honey, I can't deal with your constant confusement." I looked up to my mum who was standing in the door way, with her hands on her hips. I quickly pulled on a pair of black tight jeans and looked at her with a small scowl, I hate when she walks in on me half naked.

"I'm not confused." I drawled back, shoving a tshirt over my head.

"If that's not confusement I smell then what the hell is it." She said twisting her face up. I never understood how she could smell a feeling of someone but it has seemed to do her some miracles with dad. How I wouldn't know. "Honey what's wrong? It's obviously has something to do with Charlie." She added flashing me a smile.

"I can't make her happy okay? I take her pain away like I want too, I'm so confused I can't tell really if she loves me, I don't think she even looks at me in that way." I said quietly my voice turning into a whisper, but what if she didn't feel the same and just... Left me.

"Oh honey, you can't be expected to take her pain away, that isn't possible. But you can make her happy and I'm sure you are, just not like you want to be so I suggest you act like her boyfriend." She said, coming to sit on my bed beside me, I looked at her my face twisted at the word 'boyfriend'.

"I wouldn't know what to do, I've never been a girls boyfriend before." I muttered slowly, her face cracked into a grin and she stood again.

"It'll come naturally honey." She ruffled my hair and walked out my room, closing the door quietly. I grabbed my phone reluctantly and called an old friend.

"Hello?" She answered straight away, I cleared my throat.

"Anastasia I need your help." I said quietly.

Charlotte's POV.

"Thanks for a great day out mum." I smiled, giving her a small side hug.

"My pleasure darling." She replied, starting the engine. "So you want me to drop you off at Noah's?" I nodded, my nerves settling in, I know that me and Noah have to start getting more responsible and I know that we aren't just some highschool couple, we are the real deal. So my mother had somehow persuaded me to go talk to Noah about well... Us.

The drive to Noah's felt like it was taking hours but when we got to his I couldn't help but want to go home. Me and Noah had never really liked each other so now having to create a relationship with that fact is going to be quite hard.

But I think it'll be worth it.

"See you later mum." I smiled at her jumping out the car.

"Have fun." She winked, with the amount of winking she does it almost looked like she was trying to promote me to have sex. weirdo woman. I shut the car door and walked up to Noah's front door, I frowned at the new car in their drive way. Who's is that?

I knocked on the door and it opened immediately by Beta Parker. Oh dear lord. "Hi I've um, come to see Noah." I fumbled on my words and my nerves had reached peak position now.

"Sure he's up the stairs." He replied letting me in under his arm, I slipped my shoes off and started to climb the stairs. "Charlotte? I'm sorry fr the other day, alright?" he said quietly, I turned around and looked at him with a small smile.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too." I replied, walking up the rest of the stairs a weight lifted from my chest and a smile formed onto my face. I stood outside Noah's door and I let out a shaky breath, I pulled my hand up to knock when a girly giggle flittered from the room. I dropped my hand to my side and frowned, pressing my eat close to the door.

"I don't know how to say this, but, with everything we've been through, I just wanted you to know that I'll do anything to make you happy. I guess what... What I'm trying to say is that I love you and I want to be with you."

The ringing sound of Noah's soft words filled my ears, a hard lump formed in my throat and sobs shook my body, I took a few steps back from his room and rushed down the stairs, showing myself out.

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I ran into the forest, deeper and deeper, the only thing running through my mind was that Noah loved someone and he surely wasn't confessing to me, he loved someone else.

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