Mate's with my Bestfriends, Boyfriend's Beta.

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A/N *****This is going to be a very short chapter! But if you read the A/N at the end and do it, I'll upload a helluva lot quicker!******

I wasn't excited.

My 'date' with Noah? It was just something to pass our time. Noah had left me to change, and that's when it hit me again. She. Was. Gone.

It literatly took me ten minutes of internal battling to force myself to look into the bathroom mirror. 

I didn't recognise myself. Or more so I didn't want to think it was me in that mirror. My hair, my long dark carmel coloured hair, was matted down too my waist, the bags of purple that had been under my eyes days ago had spread, the whole under-half of my eyes were purpling, my face, i was surprised i couldn't see through it, my skin was the whitest shade of pale i'd ever seen. 

My reaction though? Too whoever this person, or me that was looking back at me. My reaction was to turn on my heel and change. I didn't care. I didn't need too care did i? My best friend, the only one i'd do stuff with anyway was gone.

My mate? Noah, was stronger than me. He could look past this into the future. All I can think of is here and now and the fact MY irriplaceable best friend was officially gone forever. 

I know seeing myself had made me hit rock bottom. 

I pulled on my black jeans, black t-shirt, black converse. Black. Black. Black.

"Charlie?" Noah's soft voice sounded from the otherside of the door. I ignored my want, and need for him.

"Come in."

The door opened immediatly, and Noah's dress was the same as mine. Exactly the same. Black. Black. Black.

"Don't call it a date." I said icely. Guilt rose in my stomach, but I pushed it away along with anything else I was feeling for him. 

"Charlotte, I left you alone for five minutes! How have you got to fucking suicidal already?" his voice was rising, but not at me, in more of a panic.

"I'm not suicidal," I said softly, Maria would never forgive me. No matter how good that option feels.

"Then why have you suddenly... gone?" I rose my eyes from the floor to Noahs glassy navy eyes, nothing shone in them, no emotion was held behind them. They looked... dead.  

"I've been gone ever since she stopped breathing Noah. You've just kept me occupied, as soon as you left me, my thoughts exploded." I felt my eyes well up, and the trickle of more tears flowed down my face. 

Noah stood still, so very freakishly still.  "The nightmare," he whispered, I let a sob out and before I knew it the door was shut, and I was all alone with the curdling thoughts of death and how Noah had just left me. 

 It was like a stab in the back, we were supposed to be strong for each other I have been strong for him, why won't he return it?

I ignored my thoughts on Noah, at sat on the edge of the bed, pulling my knees up to my chest I buried my head and I cried. 

And cried.

I heard the door open and close, but I still let more tears stream down my face, until I had no more. 

"Charlie please?" I looked up at a pain stricken Noah who was holding his hand out, reluctantly I took it wanting to feel some sort of life source again. He pulled me out the house and through the woods, I stumbled rarely on branches and logs but when I did Noah kept me up.  

Funily enough, I imagined him taking me too some beautiful clearing with a waterfall and him telling me everything was okay. 

I was totally wrong. 


OKAY! You want the next chapter *hopes everyone does..*? Inbox me the place where you want them to go, and the one with the most amazingness one, wins! I will give out my first dedication to them, if I get the most amazingness one!:')

P.S. Okay, at first this was a short story, so obviously things would be more rushed. But I decided to change that when the deaths started to happen, so I'm sorry to anyone if you don't think that was right, it was just how it turned out.



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