Mate's with my Bestfriends, Boyfriend's Beta.

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The palms of my hands started to get clammy and cold sweat ran down the arches of my back. Echoes of her voice entered my ears, I looked around, unsure of my whereabouts. The field was full of corn which swayed in harmony as the wind blew a gentle hot breeze. The sun shone brightly in the sky and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Then her echoes again. 'Never forget me?' whispered through the corn and a role play of her laughing played up in the sky. I smiled closing my eyes, watching a listening too my bestfriends playful laugh.

Then I heard a crack. Like glass breaking, slowly though, I could hear every individual crack slowly splitting, my eyes shot open as her laugh died down, her face had now gone into terror. 'Save me!' the wind hissed now, and clouds of darkness started too fill the sky as the role play finally cracked down the centre, her face dischelved and broken.

"STOP! DONT HURT HER!" I screamed, trying too stop it all, to make this scene change back. But nothing happened, the sky continued too crack, and more sounds of glass shattering came from the distance.

"Baby?" I looked around, wondering were the soft voice had come from, I couldn't see another soul in sight. "Baby, wake up." the voice had started to hardened, and a scared tone took over. "Baby please?"

I shot up in bed, my body drowned in a vile sea of sweat, I looked over too Noah, who was stroaking the side of my face. "Come here." he said softly, I looked at him shakily.


"Come here now." I sighed at his order, my nightmare had shook me up seriously. Why I thought I could handle it on my own was another matter.

I threw myself onto him, his arms wrapped tightly around me as fresh tears leaked from my tired eyes. "It's okay, your safe, your safe with me." I sighed, sobs shook me violently.

"I know, I trust you," I sighed, looking at him, even in the dark seeing the smile that lit up his face, made me smile slighly.

"You do?" I nodded pushing my head into the crook of his neck and making myself comfortable. "Go too sleep baby."

I mumbled something, I don't know what myself, but Noahs body relaxed further and hugged me closer and within seconds I had fallen back into a dreamless blissful sleep.

I woke up in the morning, tangled in Noah. After taking two seconds too realise how tangled we really were and how it was Noah I was tangled with I jumped back so far I fell off the edge of the bed, creating a huge thump. Noah shot up and looked over the edge, his face immediately lightened up and a smile took over his face and then the warming sound of his laughter floated through my ears like a lullaby making me instantly smile.

"Scared too be in bed with me?" he said a smirk flashing through his smile, I nodded, honestly, I was sort of scared, I'd fallen asleep with the boy before its just weird too wake up with him still there. "Please don't be scared of being with me?" his face softed as he got up and pulled me up onto my feet.

"Thank you, for last night, that nightmare really shook me up," I said my eyes looking towards the ground.

"Your welcome," he whispered kissing my forehead, he grabbed some clean clothes and headed too the bathroom. As soon as he left I let out the huge breath I'd been holding in, and I tried quickly to get the sparks too die down from my head area of where he kissed me. It was making me breathless.

I pulled on some light coloured skinny jeans and a red top which had faint cream writing on it, I made the bed and pulled open the curtains too a clear blue sky, my mood dimmed, why couldn't it rain?

"Stop wishing for it too rain," Noah's voice teased from behind me, he wore a playful smile that didn't quite meet his eyes, he was still hurting, badly, as was i.

"It'd help," Mumbled looking over too him again, "we need too stay occupied."

"I know, but were a little restricted on what we can do considering your legs are still healing." I shrugged that off, I didn't feel the pain any longer. "You might not like this suggestion," he murmured, he eyes shone a little bit more and had already set my mind too agree too anything he was about too say if it made him happy.

It was amazing how I have gone from hating someone to wanting too make them happy, no matter what.

I have some serious issues.

"If you'll let me, I'd like too take you out," his cheeks reddened, but only slightly, I chuckled and nodded.

"Of course I'll let you take me out," I smiled at him, he looked at me with a blank expression.

"I mean like a date Charlie," I frowned, a date... with Noah? Me and Noah on a date?


I sighed gently, it would be a whole day thing, so it wouldn't neccisarily be overly *stupidly* romantic. I could do this? Theres nothing wrong with going out with my mate?

You might start too fall for him.

Oh shut the hell up.

Oh sorry im incorrect we already have! I rolled my eyes at my wolf, she was an idiot.

"A date is fine with me Noah," I smiled, he grinned and embraced me tightly.

"Thank you..." he said against my neck, I shivered and pulled away from him.

"So where too?" I asked pulling on some black ballet flats.

"Tesco's," he grinned.

Okay, stilll crumby-_- should eventually get better... idea's would be awesome?


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