Mate's with my Bestfriends, Boyfriend's Beta.

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I woke with a bubbly feeling still pitting in my stomach. An ache still in my chest- all reminders of him. To be honest if I just left for a week and came back it'd probably be easier. But that's kind of admitting total weakness to him and myself, and honestly, I have too much pride to let myself go through that.
Reluctantly I forced myself out of my warm cozy bed, today is Monday. Which is one good day, considering all I do at school is dance classes and to make it an extra good day, it's ballroom.

I pulled on my leotard and tights being careful not to rip them, and then threw my jeans and Beatles shirt over the top. I tied my hair up into a bun, the shorter stands falling out, splaying over my face.

Dale. The name actually puts a decently sized smile on my face. After all my makeup was on I headed straight to the kitchen in a much better mood, though the bubbles and adrenaline were pumping furiously around my system again so instead of walking down the stairs I jumped each flight which is three in case you were wondering.

I wandered into the kitchen bouncing and then the smell hit me again, though it was tangled with a strange orangey one, it kind of smelt how Jake and Maria were like when they were together there scents would combine and everything.

I froze when I saw the sight before me, Anastasia giggled and stuck her stupid tongue down Noahs throat, my insides started to boil and my eyes glazed over red. I growled and ripped Anastasia off him, but it still didn't make me feel any better my mind and wolf were set to kill her.

And I couldn't do a thing about it.

I made my way over to her when someones arms developed my waist leaving Anastasia enough time to escape. I didn't exactly care though because whoever thi- the warm smell of dark chocolate filled my nostrils, "cool down."

I span in Noahs arms, "cool down? Fucking cool down? Oh you have a nerve to say that to me!" I shouted pushing away from him.

"Your not going anywhere until you cool down, Charlotte control," his eyes wandered desperately over my face and his voice was so gentle I thought I could melt.

But it's a lie right, Noah probably asked or flirted with her to get that, so it's him I should be mad at. My now slighty more normal vision glazed over again red. "HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed shoving away from him again but of course he succeed he held me still his dark hair covered his eyes and sweat beaded down his face.

"I didn't think you gave a flying fuck?" his voice was malicious and cruel and I instantly gained my normal vision back.

I hate it when my wolf takes over.

"I don't, now get the fuck off!" I said coldly, he looked reluctant at first which let a sliver of happiness settle in my stomach.

But then he pushed me away and walked out the room, I so badly wanted to see him. God the sooner this weeks over, the sooner normality comes along.

Honestly I'm starting too miss that jealousy and freedom.

I grabbed a breakfast bar and a lucozade sport before heading towards the convertible my parents had brought me only a couple of months ago.

My parents I love them so much, of course because they're mated they have there own house in town were my little sister Rose lives too. Soon when she's old enough she can come live at the pack house, so mum and dad can have the freedom mates want. It may sound harsh but that's how it works.

The school is old and more like a wooden castle if anything, but the best part is the brand new glass dance studio. It is truly stunning and I can't wait to dance again in there for practise with Dale. But first registration.

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