Mate's with my Bestfriends, Boyfriend's Beta.

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sorry for the masssssive wait:(

"I won't repeat myself again Noah, I will go to an assignment on my own I do not need a constant watch over me," I said blandly stirring the sauce that Maria had just made. 

"I know you don't need a constant watch. But I'm still coming with, end off discussion," he said chopping carrots, I laughed dryly. 

"No. Stop being a prick, I will go to an assignment with this sweet innocent guy, which have done jack shit too you alone. Why are you so jealous!"

"I'm not jealous, you've got it wrong like usual. Thinking you know everything blah blah blah."

"Well I am second to our Luna, the exact same position as you in this pack. You have absolute no right whatsoever to order me about, you will not come with me too a meeting in the library!"  

"You aren't second until you mate with me Charlotte!" he growled, I glanced over at Maria and her mate who were sitting at a table trying not to listen to our argument.

"He's right Charlie, I'm sorry," I looked at my best friend with her sad expression, I shrugged, he still has no rights.

"Well i still don't give a shit what you think. I will go to a fricken assignment on. my. own." I growled throwing the spoon at him a stormed out the kitchen. 

I chose to get out the house for a while, so starting my bike i headed straight to my parents house, it felt so good riding my bike, wind flapping through the strands off my hair making sure it wasn't in my face. The freedom of being able to go where ever i wanted, it felt good. Being away from everyone as well, it felt really good. 

I'm starting too wonder why i was jealous at all in the first place, I'm missing my freedom.  

I got to my parents and walked straight in ignoring the familar greeting off our cat i headed for the kitchen where my mum was cooking up a storm apparently.

"Hey Honey, how are you?" she said glancing up from her chopping, she had a green apron on and some pink fluffy slippers.

"Stupid Noah is insisting he comes with me to do a school assignment, it's like dude i don't need a twenty four hour watch!" I said slamming my palm onto the work surface.

"Well 'dude' he is your mate, and how much alone time have you spent together? None, so the idea of you probably spending time with another guy is making him really uncomfortable slash jealous hun. Let him come along, ask him to watch from afar you know?" My all so wise mother explained, i nodded hating the fact she was right.

"CHARLIEEEE!" I  turned around to be almost knocked off my feet by a little girl. 

"Hey Rose," I chuckled spinning her around, "how you doing?"

"Im good, ooh mum told me that you found your mate!" I grunted and mum gave me a pointed look, rolling my eyes i nodded.

"Sure did kiddo, you remember No-no don't you?" she nodded excitedly, she loved him. Everyone loved him, i really couldn't see why. "Well No-no is my mate," I drawled out blankly, she grinned.

"Good!" I nodded and she ran away, looking up at mum she was smirking.

"Everyone thinks your the perfect couple.. its cute."

"Please," I fake gagged, "don't ever call me and No-no cute!" I gagged again, she rolled her eyes and carried on chopping.

"HEY NOAH!" she suddenly shouted, suddenly his scent hit me and made my stomach flip and butterflys form.

"HEEEY!" he shouted back coming into the house.

why was he always visiting?

"Okay so i come here for alone time and you follow me? Stalker," i muttered under my breath, he rose a brow and stood at the opposite end of the kitchen from me.

"I was coming to get your mums opinion, your not that special," I rose my brow at that, course i wasn't special... 

"Opinion on what exactly?"

"Whether I should be letting you go alone or not," My mum looked at me to Noah and smiled.

"Do what feels right, I can't really give you my opinion without pissing either one of you off," I glanced over at Noah who seemed to be thinking hard. 

"Fine, but i'm picking you up okay?"

"You'll let me go alone?" I grinned, he nodded his forehead wrinkling slightly.

"Thanks Noah!" I smiled, he looked up at me his eyes darkening a little. 

"I want a hug though..." he smirked, I glanced over at mum who shrugged and got back to chopping onions, I took a deep breath and made my way over to his open arms.

His familiar smell wrapped around me like a blanket and my head rested perfectly into the crook of his neck whilst his other hand wrapped around my waist and the other stroked my hair. It made the butterflys appear again and a lump form in my throat, I could stay here forever.

Ignoring the wonderfullness, i pushed away as quickly as i could. I would not give in that easily.

He looked hurt, but he can learn to understand my reasoning for this.

I said a goodbye to my mum and gave Noah and me a ride to the pack house,  the drive was comfortable the Kooks playing gently on the radio and the rain gently splatting against the window screen. 

It was nice to be in his company without wanting to kill him, I sneaked a peek over at him his strong features casting shadows, his long lashes resting gently against his skin and the way he sung to the music not loud enough for me to hear but enough to let me see his mouth was moving to them. 

Suddenly a horn screamed and Noah's eyes shot open directly looking at me desperately emotions seeping into his stare, before everything turned black.

Okay this chapter is bad, but i'm unbelievably out of ideas at the moment so bare with me!  



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