Teyla nodded. "Yes, between the soldiers and Athosians I am keeping quite busy," Teyla replied. In truth on days when they didn't have a mission she spent almost all day in the gym working with the different people from the expedition. All seemed to appreciate the extra training.

"Bates tells me Zian has been sparring with you every morning," John said carefully as he put his towel over the back of his neck.

Teyla went very still as she processed all he was not saying in his casual observation. "I was not aware that would be a problem."

"It's not!" John responded too quickly. "As far as I'm concerned Zian can do as she pleases."

Teyla frowned. "And yet, Sergeant Bates is still monitoring her movements?"

"I-" John started to say. "He-"

Teyla quickly spoke up before he could stammer out an excuse. "Have you considered sparring with Kai?"

John pulled back. "Zian? No why? Why would I do that?" his voice rose slightly at the end.

Teyla kept her face carefully devoid of emotion and shrugged casually, not wanting to make too big of a deal out of it. "Well, your skill levels are fairly evenly matched. And perhaps the time getting to know her better would put you more at ease."

John's mouth hardened into a determined line. "I know her just fine," he said, a little sharper than he intended. "I don't need to get to know her any better," he added, more for his own benefit than Teyla's. If he was honest he had been avoiding Kai over the last few weeks. She made him uncomfortable, and he needed to stay focused.

"Well she has been sparring with me lately. Knowing your skill level and her own I thought..."

"Since when does she feel the need to train?" John asked suspiciously. He didn't agree necessarily with Weir's rules but part of their agreement had been that she would stay away from the military side of things. If something had changed in the last couple of weeks, he needed to know about it.

Teyla's face softened. "Since she healed after what commander Kolya of the Genii did to her."

John's jaw tightened as guilt tore through him. It had been his fault she had gotten hurt. He shouldn't have put her in that position in the first place. He regretted it when any of his people were hurt, and it was strange for him to feel this way about one in particular, especially one who was so well trained. John wasn't one for self reflection, and it took him a while to realize the guilt was because he had asked her to fight the Genii. He just couldn't get the look on her face when she told him she didn't want to go back to that life out of his mind. She had asked for peace and not a month later John had put a gun in her hand.

"I think it's best if we just keep things the way they are..."John said heading towards the door.

Weir's voice came over the PA. "May I have everyone's attention please? We've run into a questionable medical situation and at Doctor Beckett's suggestion we have decided to put the city into a self regulated quarantine. For at least the next couple of hours I need everyone to stay where they are and report anyone moving freely through the halls. I hope you understand. Thank you."

John swung back around to face Teyla, his face pinched with concern. They were stuck here.


Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ