Chapter Seven

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The wind was slapping at her face. She felt the stinging sensation that it was bringing upon her furred covered skin. Wings outstretched beating against the wind on a hastened pace. Luna hurried herself towards Canterlot. Her mind rummaged through every idea of an excuse that would be convincing for her sister.

"Oh dear what am I even suppose to tell Tia,"Luna said to herself in panic as she neared Canterlot castle. "The sun is up high on the sky. It must be midday already. Must I lie? Or must I tell the very truth? I cannot simply just waltz right in and act like as if not an uncustomary thing has happened."she was finally back. Stopping mid air and landing quietly on her balcony. She immediately face palmed as she realized her mistake.

"How dense of me. I let my mind too engrossed on pondering if I should or should not tell the whole story. I have entirely forgotten not to straightly fly here to my balcony. Some of the pony guards must have seen me. Outstanding Luna just outstanding."she says.

Quickly she galloped into her room immediately as to avoid any further notice of her presence. The moment she was inside her room she heard from outside her door voices of the royal guards. Luna's did not intend to eavesdrop on them but their voices were audible enough for her ears to hear and her mind to comprehend.

"Do you have any information on Princess Luna?" asked by a deep voice obviously belonging to a stallion.

"No, not yet the other guards were sent to search the grounds of Ponyville. There's still no news from them." replied by another guard stallion whose voice sounded higher than the first one.

"Okay, keep searching. Princess Celestia will not be at ease until she is found unharmed." the voice of the first pony who spoke was heard again.

Luna heard the sound of their hooves fading into a distance and took that as a sign that they are no longer outside her chambers. Taking quiet hoofsteps she neared her door, then taking a deep breath slowly she opened it with the magic from her horn. She was thankful that it made no creeking sound that could have echoed throughout the empty hallway alerting any royal guard. Luna still battled upon the thought if she should just already show herself to her older sister as to finally stop the search party. She felt bad to be the cause of why almost every guard in the palace are tiring themselves out in the pursuit of finding her. But mostly because she had made her sister worry about her when she has already a whole kingdom to be worrying about. Even though they were crowned to rule together it felt like it was always her older sister whom was more superior and far more treated as their ruler rather than to treat them as equals. A frown formed on Luna's face. Incontinently she brushed her arousing emotions aside.

"Now is not the time to feel angered or saddened." Luna says through her own thoughts. She sighed a heavy sigh and collected herself. She stood with confidence, her head held up and walked outside the door leisurely. An image of an alicorn princess whose posture and movements shows authority and royalty.

Casually she walked through the palace floors. Her mane and tail beautifully flowed down in such a unique shade of blue. Her hooves fitted in sparkling shoes in the same color of her mane and tail. Decorated into an unfinished fleur-de-lis like design. Luna was surprised to find the halls empty and unguarded as she made her way to the throne room. "Everypony must be searching for me. I must put an end to this turmoil." she thought. Stopping in front of large closed doors that would lead to hers and her sister's throne room. Using her magic she opened the doors and instantly caught the sight of her sister talking to three royal guards.

In the blink of an eye they were alerted by Luna's presence. Celestia turned her head to look at her younger sister with wide eyes.

"Good day dear sister." an immediate salutation came from Luna. After her short entrance she was not surprise that Celestia had galloped to her and hugged her, she had already expected this kind of reaction as her sister would do. But the hug was short live and Celestia's face formed from worry into slight anger.

"Where have you been?" the expected question came out directly from her older sister's mouth. Before Luna could even respond she was cut off unintentionally by Celestia. "You don't know how worried I was. You were missing for half a day. I asked every royal guard to look high and low. Never ever go missing like that again little sister." she said. Luna thought: "I have only been missing for half a day and yet she acts like I have been gone for days or weeks." She did not know how to react to this. If she should laugh at this or be bothered by the present situation. Her thoughts were diverted back to what was at hoof. She realized her sister had dismissed the guards and had told them to inform every guard to stop the search of her. Luna and Celestia was left all alone in the throne room.

At first there was silence, Celestia faced again her younger sister and told her that they must speak with each other alone. They walked towards near in between the bottom stairs of their two thrones and a balcony at the center meant for speaking or addressing to their subjects. The chair on the right was decorated the same as the throne on the left. Only that the chair on the right was colored in different hues of yellow and as well as the tapestry that hanged above the golden chair. This chair was pellucidly for Celestia. On the other side, to the left was Luna's. The same style as Celestia's, only decorated with different shades of blue including the tapestry that is slanting to the left with tassels at the pointed edges. Both of them were standing at the very center of the brownish red colored carpet embedded with a crescent moon and sun with wavy sunlight rays pointing out.

They faced each other. There was a long silence surrounding the two sisters. Luna could no longer take in the deafening silence and decided to be the first one to speak.

"What is it that we must discuss sister?" she asked. Celestia was surprised by this and expected that Luna would immediately apologize or explain for her sudden disappearance.

"Luna where were you? You disappeared without a trace and the moon was not lowered in time. Did something happen?"Celestia says. She looked at Luna whose eyes seem to be pleading.

Luna would think that her older sister just wanted to make sure she was alright and nothing unwanted had happened. But deep inside Celestia's heart and mind she fears something, something that she is not sure if her own little sister is aware of, and if that day comes...Celestia only prays that it may not.

Luna gave out a sigh and decided to tell her sister what happened.

"I was out flying through the skies last night and had been unaware that I had already flown myself to the Artic North." as Luna mentioned this a surprise look was on her sister's face. "This surprised me as well and I only realized it when the cold began to crawl on my skin. I tried to fly back home but my wings felt frozen and I was forced to walk on hoof. I could not find my way back. The cold had been too much to bear that I fell unconscious on the snow. And I...and I woke up to find myself saved by a gentlecolt."Luna says smiled by the thought of the kind pony who had saved her from the blizzard of snow. "He saved me and if it were not for him I would not be here right now and had probably been left to freeze on the snow."Luna finished her story. Though she did not told every detail of the story.

She watched as Celestia tries to register everything she had said. When it seems her sister was satisfied by the information she had laid on, Celestia embraced Luna protectively.

"I'm grateful you are alright. Please don't go missing like that again." Celestia broke off the hug as she look into her younger sister's eyes. "I don't know what I would do if anything bad happens to you."Celestia says and smiled hugging her sister once more. Luna hugged back and savored the feeling of her sister's embraced. The thought came to Luna and she wondered how long it has been since she and Celestia have felt each others comforting embrace.


This took some time to finish. Well all chapters takes time to finish. hahhahaahhahahah I am talking to myself. 😂😂😂

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