Chapter Four

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Inside a small well built wooden cabin that stood at the near outskirts of the Crystal Empire. Luna lays asleep upon a small bed. A thin layer of blanket tucked to keep her warm and a soft feather stuffed pillow underneath her head. The sound of her soft snores coming out in a steady pattern. Even when Luna is sleeping she still looks beautiful, her shiny cornflower mane had some strands of hair fell down to her face, hiding some parts of her asleep state. Any pony would be mistaken to think that the Princess of the Night is having a peaceful dream but they would be terribly wrong.

Luna's own mind continued to torture her with nightmares. She began to stir and shift uncomfortably on the bed. Beads of sweat began to form and fall on her forehead. From small and soft adorable snores to troubled grunts and mumbling. One of her ear twitched and then she turned herself to face the side looking away from the wooden wall.

A fireplace was near to where she takes another uneasy sleep. Near where the blocks of wood crackled within the embrace of fire, a tall and strong built stallion lays asleep as well.

As Luna's mumbling sounds didn't ceased, the stallion's ear twitched to the side and back to the front. His eyes slowly opened to reveal bright green shade of eyes. He had a pointed horn with lines spiraling to the tip on his forehead. The color of his fur were a dark gray while his mane and tail was a hue of jet black. He had no cutie mark. The stallion stood up on all his four hoofs, his head turned to look at the troubled mare.

He seemed to have heed the troubled sounds escaping Luna's mouth and the way how she keeps tossing and turning on the bed. Taking small hoofsteps coming near the princess he stopped just at the side of the bed. Just one more hoofstep away. By that moment, Luna was faced to him.

"Mhmm...Go...go" Luna mumbled in her sleep.

The dark gray colored stallion stared punctiliously at her. Leisurely he put one of his front hooves to her forehead. The second he barely touched her he immediately withdraw his hoof away from her. Not because he was being hysterical but due to the heat radiating from her body.

"She's burning up pretty bad." he said.

The stallion turned his head to the side to find at the corner near the window hanged a white cloth. He approached the piece of cloth. It hanged upon a height which he could be able to easily reach. Taking it off the walls using his horn without the magic and putting it into a bucket of water standing on a senescent wooden table. Quickly dumping the cloth into the water then rose it up a few inches above the bucket of water using both front hooves. The dark grey colored stallion struggled to squeezed it with his hooves as to remove the excess of water. After doing this he took the white piece of cloth biting on the fabric with his teeth and then gently placed it onto Luna's forehead. A groaned was instantly heard from her. While he was very careful of damping the piece of cloth, Luna turned to the side that faced away from him. The stallion gave out a sigh. He watched as the mare's grip on the blanket tighten.

"Should I wake her up?"he asked himself through his thoughts.

Before he could come to a decision, Luna then turns to face him again. The movement of her eyes could be seen even with her eyelids closed. "I wonder what she is dreaming of,"he said and proceeded on damping the slightly wet cloth on Luna.

After he finished damping gentle touches of the wet fabric on Luna, her body temperature started to cool down. The stallion heaved out a grateful sigh and returned the white cloth to the corner from where he found it. He turned his back on Luna and walk to the door leading outside. When he was faced to faced with the door, cautiously he opened it a bit. His head peeked through the outside to see if the snowfall had finally decided to stop. He observed that there were no more snow falling from the sky. But somehow their surroundings was still shrouded in darkness. The moon was still shining above the sky.

"Strange, I was definitely sure it would be daytime already." the stallion set his curiosity aside and stepped outside, the sounds of crunching snow were heard as he stood upon them. He then set hoof to walk into the Crystal Empire and get something for the sleeping mare in the wooden cabin to eat later.


All the way back at Canterlot Celestia was getting worried and worried by every passing minute.

She woke up from her bed feeling refreshed from all of yesterday's duties. She was about to raise the sun but when she stepped outside the balcony she found the moon hadn't been lowered yet. Celestia didn't found this strange at first.

"Luna must have forgotten to lower the moon. I will go and check on her." Celestia said to reassure herself.

She made her way in a bit of haste to her younger sister's room. In just a few minutes she was already standing outside the doorsteps of Luna's bedroom. She took short breaths. Her heart was rapidly beating in an abnormal pace. Celestia was trying to recollect herself, part of her was scared of what she may find on the other side of this door. Using the magic from her horn, she opened the door gently as to not awake her sister who might be asleep. Celestia's magenta colored eyes wandered around the room.

No pony was inside.

Carefully she walked into the room decorated with different shades of blue, black and an unused bed. Panic was slowly rising within Celestia. She searched through every corner, every window, every curtain drapes and every door inside her younger sister's bedroom. But found no single sign of her or anything that could tell where she is at this time being.

"Guards!" the Princess of the Sun shouted calmly but enough for two stallion guards to come rushing in. "My younger sister is missing. Please spread word throughout the castle to find her and report to me immediately if any pony has any knowledge of her whereabouts."

"Yes your Highness." the two guards replied in chorus and left as soon as Celestia had dismissed them.

As soon as they were gone from her sight and out of hearing range the tall white mare with pastel pink mane looked at the empty bed that should be occupied by a certain blue violet colored mare. "Where are you Luna?" she said looking down at the floor.


Back at the Artic North, Luna was still sleeping. She was still trapped in her dreams that held her captive in fear. She kept running and running, not minding where she was going for it was dark. She breathed heavily, her lungs burning for air and her limbs aching badly. Screaming at her to stop running but Luna could not be put to a halt for there was something, something behind her. Something that continued to pursue her without any signs of stopping. She could feel it even if it can't be seen. She tried to fly but her wings would keep failing her.

"Stay away from me!"she screamed and her voice echoed through the vast void.
A laugh coated with pure evil fired back through her ears. Luna stopped, she dipped herself into the ground as if trying to find comfort and protection even when there was nothing. She covered her ears in an attempt to block away the taunting sounds everywhere.

"You can't escape your fate! You can't!"

An anomalous voice screeched their way and ringed painfully through Luna's ears. She screamed back in return and soon later found herself out of her nightmares and was met by an unfamiliar wall.

"Where am I?"


I would like to thank @aleksa3503 for voting on Chapter Two and Three. You're awesome. 😉 Thank you so much for voting! And of course to all the other readers that began reading my fanfic too. Thank you so much! Here's Chapter Four and I hope you all enjoy reading it and and all the next Chapters to come. 😊

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