Chapter Three

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Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night, soared through the starry night sky as every pony was asleep. Her cornflower mane and tail flowed with the amiable breeze of wind. Her wings flapping in a steady pace. She went over a fluffy cloud and spun around gracefully.

Eyes closed, she continued to revel upon her lovely night. Every time she would spread her wings into the nightsky every negative feeling or emotion would leave her. She had forgotten all fear, all sadness and all loneliness for even just a short span of time. Yet even though these feelings only lasts for such limited amount of time, she still enjoys it and is very grateful for the kind of ease it gives her mind. A night flight would always help her sort her thoughts out especially when everything goes beyond understanding.

Now that she has all the solitude she needs at this very moment, her mind started to wander. She pondered on every nightmare she had. As far as she can recall, most of her dreams would revolve around a tall black mare, her fear of always being shunned and ignored by everypony and the pain of always being overshadowed and outshone by her sister.

Luna felt worry rose within her. "What if these nightmare are not just nightmares...what if they are visions."Luna said in a trembling whisper.

She cannot decide nor whether to conclude yet on what she should think about this. These nightmares had once never existed in her life. But as soon she and her sister were crowned rulers of all of Equestria, slowly the dreams came creeping little by little. And they are only getting worse as days and nights would pass. Luna could not remember the last time she had a peaceful or lovely dream. And it makes her curious and envious at the same time, for how no pony is there to save and protect her from nightmares like she does to every pony in Equestria each and every night.

"Well, of course no pony else can do that for me. Only I, in Equestria, is competent of such task." Luna thought to herself. "But now what puzzles me most was the recent dream I had stumbled upon. It was unlike the others."she added.

Luna continued to fly all over the darkened lands. Her mind was too preoccupied to even give notice of where her unaware wings were taking her. Only until then she had realized her obliviousness when she felt the cold temperature bit harshly at her skin even under her fur.

"Where am I?" she asked herself.

She was finally out of her train of thoughts. Now her eyes came to see snow everywhere.

Dark and cold.

"The Artic North?" Luna asked herself. Her wings began to feel weary and frozen every minute she continued to stay in that place. She shivered and longed for warmth but as she scanned her surroundings everywhere she would look it was too dark to determine from which part she came from. Or at least which part could lead her to someplace away from the freezing temperature. Her wings could no longer keep her above ground, that is why Luna was left with no choice but to land on ground heavily covered in snow and travel by hoof.

Several minutes passed and Luna was already freezing. She felt her body could not take in much more cold. But she was no where near out of the snowy lands of the Artic North. Each hoof step she took felt like she was sinking into the ground, she would struggle from time to time to get her hoof off from the snow then continue to walk to wherever her hoofs would take her.

An hour had already passed and still there was no sign that could tell Luna she had found something else rather than snow. For if only it wasn't snowing too heavily, it would have then be much easier for Luna to fly back home. Every limb in her body began to ache, the frost of the Artic North began to slowly crept on her. She felt tired. She fears that she might fall and lose conscious while stuck here in the middle of the snow. No pony to help. No pony to even care. Although it was already too hard to see through the heavy snowfall, she had notice that black spots that begin to appear in front of her. She shook her head slowly, eyes shut but then opened again. The black spots continued to spread within her sight.

"Am I s-seeing bl-black snow?"Luna had asked herself through chattering teeth and sounding like a drunk pony.

But no, it was not the black snow she has currently invented she was seeing. Her hoof took an off step then straight ahead Luna came stumbling down the snow. She groaned from the fall and immediately pursued to get back up again.

"N-no, I musn't...I must con-con...tinue...somepony please...he-help..." her voice came out too inaudiable for any pony to hear. She tried to stand on her four hoofs but once again she fell to the ground. Gravity, too strong for her to even keep herself up. Everything became a blur for Luna, as the snow fell upon her the whistling sound of wind sounded too distant, her head started to throbbed in pain. A painful moan escaped her mouth. Before Luna could close her eyes unwillingly, she saw a blur dark gray figure getting closer and closer. Until she finally welcomed sleep to come over her.

Was Chapter three okay? I just didn't know what else to write after chapter two but then I just began writing whatever I could come up then it led me to this idea. After finishing it I was all like: "Woah!!! Dude!  never imagined I could make it through Chapter 3". And believe me dear readers in all my "wanna be a writer days" I have only closely just in a tiny bittiest way made it through Chapter 3 for my stories. I mean I still haven't even finished chapter two in my other book which is a Fantasy not a Fanfiction. No need to check it out yet because...... It only has a Prologue and Chapter One so far. Anyway....I hope you enjoyed!!!😉

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