Chapter Thirteen

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She heard a voice calling out her name. Her head turned and turned, keeping a cautious eye each to descry the source.

"Who goes there?"Luna said.

"Luna."the voice whispered again.

She believed it belonged to a mare. It sounded alluring but suspiciously unearthly at the same time. Luna find it difficult to know where and whom the voice belonged, as she again finds herself surrounded by darkness.

The darkness no longer frightens her. She was rather getting bored of the same ambience every nightmare she had. The whole calling out her name by a mysterious entity was already getting old. But it completely annoys her how whomever or whatever the voice belonged to, it never reveals itself to her. And now, she is determined to put this insolent play to an end.

"Show thyself poltroon!"she said using the Royal Canterlot voice. Her horn glowing in an impending manner.

Instead of a reply she received a bonechilling chortle, echoing throughout the vast void of an unending darkness. The unfriendly laughter finally died down but after that Luna felt a harsh cold wind blew at her face. It surprised her yet annoyed her at the same time.

"You amuse me Luna." the voice spoke.

Luna almost jumped in terror as it finally spoke words other than her name. She regained her composure and stood on a defensive stance, the glow on her horn never fading. She pointed it to where she believed the owner of the voice might be standing.

"Enough hiding from the shadows that shields thee from view and reveal thyself to the Princess of the Night!" Luna said. The ball of light began to glow brighter upon the tip of her horn.

An evil snicker was heard from behind her and said: "Very well, if that is what you wish."it said. Luna turned to her back immediately. Feeling completely stupid to think that she was actually facing the mare the wrong way. But put her mental curse to aside and remained to put her guard up.

She watched with her eyes as a tall black mare clad in armour emerged from the darkness. The pupils in Luna's teal eyes shrunk as she stood there taken aback from the image in front of her this very moment.


Okay sorry if this chapter was short. It just kinda felt right to end it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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