Chapter 18 - A Fulfilled Dream

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Drummer Haruto: Yes! I'm up for that! Let's show the other schools that Bright Centrair Private Academy also focuses on talent and not just academics!

Guitarist (2) Ryuu: 👍

Leader/Guitarist Kaito: It's settled then! We will practice tomorrow every after class. Got it?

Bassist Rika: Hai!

Guitarist (2) Ryuu: Sure!

Drummer Haruto: Yush!

I smiled as I read the messages sent by the absentees today. I'm really glad that we all have the same dream; to perform infront of a big crowd.

"Alright, well guys, I'll go now. My brothers are waiting for me outside." I bowed at them before turning around.

"Okay Miko-san. See you tomorrow!" I could hear Miyuki greet me goodbye and sense Kaito waving at me. Thank you so much for making our dreams come true, Suba-nii!


1 week later (The event)

Today is the city wide school fair! I am currently with my siblings while we're looking for our school posts. Eventually, we saw a guide that will help is find the posts.

"Look, Hinode High is located near the auditorium! We'll go now!" Ema grabbed Yuusuke and Fuuto's hand before leaving. Leaving me, Iori-nii and Suba-nii behind.

"BCPA is located... in the fields. Well, Suba-nii, me and Miko-san will go now." Me and Iori-nii bowed before Suba-nii before leaving. Subaru-nii was escorting the five of us here and after escorting, he will go with his team to get ready for a friendly match between the other schools.

"Miko-san, when's your performance again?" Iori-nii stared at the guitar I'm carrying. "And do you want me to carry your guitar?"

"Ah, it's okay Iori-nii, I can manage. And about our performance, it will be held later. An hour before the closing ceremony." I took out a lolipop from my pocket and ate it. Wataru gave me a pack of it earlier and said that it was from Masa-nii. Turns out that its a good luck gift from my eldest brother. "I should probably put this at the backstage but I should also meet with my band mates first before doing that."

"Alright, Miko-san. I'll help you find them." I gave Iori-nii another lolipop but he only kept it in his pocket, assuming that he'll it eat later.

It took the two of us a few turns before reaching the fields. We quickly found where our schoolmates at because of the white uniforms gathered on a corner. As we arrived there, all of our schoolmates looked at us and smiled.

"The Asahinas have arrived!"

"Oh, its settled then!" We heard Jiro-sensei, the school's head teacher, yell. "We're going to have fun today! Show them what we got, okay! And don't forget to gather at the stage later for our music club's performance!"


After our gathering with Jiro-sensei, we all dispersed. I stuck with Iori-nii since he hasn't found his friends yet.

"Ah! Miko-san and Iori-kun, nice to see you two together here!" Kaito arrived with the rest of the band. All of then are carrying their respective instruments, except for Miyuki-san whose instrument is already in the backstage. "Let's go to the backstage and place our instruments there."

Before proceeding to the said place, Aoi and the others approached us and gave me and my bandmates a bar of chocolate.

"The six of you will bring the BCPA crest later. Good luck, music club!" Shiro smiled and bows, followed by Aoi, Tamaki and Rie.

I only smiled and made a bow to thank them. Iori-nii tugged my side and when I looked at him, he only smiled at me.

"I'm so happy that you made yourself a lot of friends in a short period of time. And now you're going to fulfill your dream of performing infront of a crowd. I'm so proud of you, little sis!"

I gave him a huge smile and a thumbs up. Iori-nii is one of my brothers who literally watched me since the first day of my restart so he saw my improvements.

"Oi, Iori-kun! There you are!" Haruto-kun, who is well Iori's best friend, appears and grabs Iori-nii's hand. "Miko-san, I'm going to take your brother for today, everyone, see you all later before the performance! " He suddenly drags Iori-nii away from us.

"Iori and Haruto sure are close." Miyuki sweatdropped while I laugh.

"Leave them be, let's hang out now," I grinned and started to run towards a random direction. "Let's have fun and meet some friends!"


We spent the time playing games, watching shows and eating food. It was so fun hanging out with my circle!

"BCPA music club, are you all set?" The music director checked on us while the six of us are adjusting our instruments.

"Almost ready sir!" Kaito-senpai plugs his guitar into the aux chord.

"Okay, the show will start in five minutes! Good luck, do your best!"

After the music director left, the six of us huddled up and started to let out our hopes and prayers.

"And I hope that our week of hardwork will be payed here. Let's go guys!" I placed my hand on top of Miyuki's hand after saying it. After that, we did our group hand shake, took our instruments and ran towards the stage.

We'll show them what we got!

(The songs Miko and her bandmates will play:

Again by Yui
Legends by Sleeping With Sirens
Stop and Stare by One Republic
Beloved x Survival (BroCon opening)

Of course, that's only in my perspective, you guys can decide what her band will play.)

Thanks for reading!
And I'm sorry if things went random here. I am actually in a writer's block because I recently got through a hell week and my flow of thinking isn't that good right now. I'll just let my future self edit and take care of this. See you all next chapter!

The Long Lost Asahina || A Brothers Conflict FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin