"because she's really the reason that I'm living comfortably today, she's really the woman I look up to, and a piece of my heart. And to see her in this condition everyday is hard. But I gotta let her know that I'm always gonna be there for her and make sure she's okay, just like how she did with me. I'm going to stick with her through what ever and never give up on her." I said and she nodded

"That's what you should be doing. But don't let it bring you down, you gotta be strong for you, her, and your dad. Even Blue. She's gonna pull through Kyre, I just know it. And I've been praying for her, you, and your family and I know God's gonna answer my prayers. So just keep doing what your doing and keep your head high." She said and I nodded

"Okay, thank you baby. I love you." I said and that was my first time saying it so I shot my eyes up at her and she gasped then relaxed and smiled

"I love you too Kyre." She said then I pecked her lips and we hugged again, a little longer this time.

I won't tell her now but hearing her say those word really means a lot to me. And I see us being together for such a long time. I know we're going to be. Especially after I introduced her to my mom and my family.

I don't know how the we get away with this in school, but we do.

Our teacher put on a movie and said she had a meeting so she'd be back at the end on class so me and Ryan talked and was laid up for the rest of the class until it hit 3:15.

Then we gathered our things and kissed each other goodbye and I went to my dads car in our meet up space and got in.

"What's up son." He said messing with my hair and I laughed and swatted his hand away as he pulled off

"Nothing much dad, I did make a mistake and tell Ryan I love her today though. I was scared of what she was going to say but it slipped out." I said and he laughed

"How did it slip out?" He said and I shrugged

"After she told me she was praying for me and what not I just knew right then she's the one." I said and he nodded

"What did she say?" He asked and I smirked

"She said she loves me too, and I know she means it. Dad I ain't never felt this way about any other girl before." I told him and he chuckled

"Well you better treat her right and make sure you can keep her. ESPECIALLY after she said she prays for you. That's how you know she's a keeper.... but what's so special about her to you?" He asked and it immediately popped up in my head

"She had her own vibe, and I love it. She's not anti social but she doesn't have too many people that she calls friends, she stays to her self, she doesn't spread rumors, she minds her business, stays focused on her school work, has her own little hustle, she really grinds for real. She can get along with anybody you put her in front of and she leaves such a good impression on everyone. Yeah her attitude can be outta hand at times but I love that right along with everything else." I said smiling and my dad put his hands on my shoulder

"As soon as your mom wakes up, she had to meet her. Especially if you talk about her like this." He said and I smiled

"I know, that's what I was planning on doing. And I want to meet her parents too. I want us to be legit." I said and he nodded then looked at me and smirked then back to the road.

"You want to pick up some food before we go?" He asked and I nodded. It was cold as hell today but I didn't even care. It was the beginning of January In New York, how much colder can that get. I was matching my dad with the black timberlands, black and yellow coat and black pants, black shirt, and gold chain. We don't do it on purpose. It just always happens.

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