In The Beginning- Part 3

Start from the beginning

"I recently went on a hunt, and it turned out this witch knew I was coming because she sensed another witch coming her way. And the funny thing is, I have that same sense but with you. Are you a witch?" you asked, whispering the last part. Castiel can keep telling you she was a witch, but you had to hear it from her.

"No, no," she immediately denied it, trying to think of a way out of this. "I just have a lot of ancient relics here that might give you that vibe."

"It's okay mo... Y/M/N. There's no reason to be afraid," you said before lifting your hand. Blue magic started swirling around your palm and in between your fingers. Your mother watched with wide eyes as you showed her this. "I'm a witch but also a hunter."

"Your magic is the same as mine," she said, showing you her magic. It was the same shade of blue as yours. Watching her, you let a tear fall. So, she was a witch and never told you. "Follow me, I have something to show you. You can't tell anyone."

Getting up, you followed her to a coat closet which she opened but moved all the coats to the side. There a door was, and she opened it to reveal stairs. Leading the way, she walked down the steps with you right behind her. The room you walked into was basically a witch's cavern. The walls were covered with old relics and candles, with podiums and other witch items.

"Why won't you let anyone know?" you asked.

"All my friends are hunters. The other day, I heard Samuel brag about how he killed a witch without even thinking about it. It doesn't matter if I'm their friend, they'll kill me without a second thought. I'm a good witch, not like the ones you kill. You have to believe me."

"Of course, I believe you. I know you're a good person. I know you'd never hurt an innocent living soul," you said truthfully.

"I wish I could get out of this life," she confessed, taking a seat. "I want a family, a nice husband, away from all this. I want a baby girl and hope that she doesn't turn out like me. Hunting is the worst thing that can happen to anyone, and I don't want that for my child. If I ever do have children, I'd leave them out of this."

Tears threatened to fall from your eyes,because this hit close to home. All you wanted to do was cry and hug her, but you refrained yourself from doing so.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked once she saw your face.

"Keeping this all a secret isn't the best route to go on. It'll only end in heartbreak. Remember that if you have children," you sniffled and gave her a small smile.

"I don't know if I will. I mean, I'm kind of seeing this guy, Bobby. He's really nice, and one of my good friends. We wanted to see if we could take things to the next level, but I don't know if it's the best thing."

"You have to try," you said. If they never get together, you would have never been born. "You deserve to be happy. See where it goes."

"Thanks, Y/N. I'm sorry, you came here to ask about magic and hunting," your mom smiled bashfully.

"I did, didn't I?" you chuckled. "What are some of the things you can do? I'm just curious. Do you use spells?"

"That's the thing about me. I don't need them, at least, not all of them. I've met other witches before, and they use spells, but I don't need them. I think of fire and I can do it with my mind. I'm mad and something goes flying across the room. It's so weird, and no other witch can do what I can do, except you."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Do you know what a vessel is?" she asked, and almost immediately you were on alert.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I've been having these dreams lately about black smoke. I thought it was a demon, but I could hear my name being called out. Then, I'd see this woman in a black dress, curly brown hair. She's asking me over and over again to release her and when I ask her who she is she says,"

"Amara," you said for her.

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"Because I've had the same nightmare. You're a vessel for Amara?" you asked, tears threatening to fall. How in the world was your mother a vessel and how could you be one for the same woman?

"Are you sure we don't know each other? We seem to have so much in common," your mother asked, staring at you with kind eyes. Before you had a chance to say anything, you heard a phone ringing come from above you.

"Oh, sorry, this room is right below my kitchen where my phone is. I have to get that," she said as she stood up. Nodding, you followed her out of the secret room she had. She quickly made her way to the kitchen and answered the phone, speaking into it before holding it out for you.

"It's for you. It's Dean," she said, and you sighed. Right, he was working a case. Taking the phone from her, you spoke.

"Is everything okay?"

"This is bad. I know why we're here, what we have to stop," he breathed heavily.

"Dean, calm down, what is going on?"

"The Yellow-Eyed Demon is here, and it's making deals all over town. I have to stop my mom from making the same thing," he said, and your eyes went wide. Meg is his daughter, and she killed your mom. That's why Castiel sent you back here too, to stop your mom from being killed.

"He kills our moms," you whispered.

"Yeah, meet me back at Mary's house. We have to act fast," he said before hanging up.

"Is everything alright?" your mother asked after you put the phone back on the wall.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but I have to go. Dean needs me right now. I'm sorry to cut this short," you sighed.

"It's okay. Don't feel bad. We can talk later," she smiled.

"Thanks," you nodded before leaving her house. Quickly escaping to Mary's house, you saw Dean pull up. It looks like Mary and Samuel beat him back to the house.

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