In The Beginning- Part 2

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"Cars are so easy to hijack back then," you comment to Dean who drove slowly behind John. He thought it be best to figure out where he was going, and it turns out he went to someone's house, probably the person who he promised to buy the van to. Whoever it is will have the surprise of their lifetime because the Impala is badass, not like the car you and Dean stole.

Watching as John got out, he greeted a blonde woman who was happy to see him.

"What's this?" she asked once she saw the car.

"My car," John answered as the woman walked to the passenger's side.

"What happened to the van?" she asked.

"Mary, this is better than the van! This has got a 327, a four barrel carburetor," John tried to get Mary hyped up as much as he was. Wait, Mary? As in Mary Winchester?

"Mom?" Dean whispered.

"Let me see that car!" you heard another woman's voice speak, but as soon as you heard the familiar melody, your whole body froze. A woman who looked just like your mom when she was younger came rushing out of the house to see John's new car.

"He didn't get it, Y/M/N, he got this one instead."

"Mom?" you said, your eyes wide with shock.

"Screw that other one, this is better!" she gushed, looking at the inside of the car.

"What are you doing here? You know I'm picking Mary up, and only Mary. I know you two are joined at the hips, but you need to let her go for this one," John joked.

"I know, I was hanging with her earlier. Don't worry, she's all yours. Have fun you two," your mother smiled before retreating back to the house. Seeing your mother brought back unpleasant memories, and all you wanted to do was give her a hug. Grasping the door handle, you were about to get out when Dean put his hand on your chest to stop you.

"Now's not a good time."

"Not a good time?" you asked, tears brimming the surface of your eyes. "That's my mother, Dean."

"And that's mine," he argued. "You heard Castiel, we have to stop whatever is going to happen to my dad. We have to follow him and my mom."

"Fine," you whispered, sighing deeply. Dean turned the car back on, and just as John pulled away from Mary's house, Dean did the same and followed them


John had decided to take Mary to a diner for their date. It wasn't the best places, but it was a little romantic to be that close to them. You and Dean weren't far from the window by their table, but you weren't close enough for them to spot you.

"Sammy, wherever you are, Mom is a babe. I'm going to hell... again," Dean sighed.

"John is a stud," you commented, making Dean jump a little.

"Forgot you were there," he chuckled.

"Oh, thanks," you said sarcastically. "What do you think they're talking about in there?"

"I don't know but look at the way they look at one another. I never got to see them this way, my dad I mean. He looks so happy."

"Mary dying changed him and not for the better," you sighed. Staring at Mary, you saw the way she looked at John. It resembled the way you look at Dean. He's your everything, and if you could have a different life for him, you would. Mary smiled at John before getting up, leaving out of sight. John suddenly looked nervous before taking out a ring box and opening it up to reveal a simple ring.

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