Lucifer Rising- Part 1

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"Sammy, come out, come out, wherever you are!" You said loudly. You would act as if you were playing hide and seek. That was normal. Kids played that. You looked in each of the slides and around the monkey bars but no sign of Sammy.

Suddenly, you heard a child cry out. You knew that cry come from anywhere.

"Y/N!" Sammy yelled for you. The place was so crowded, none of the parents heard him but you did. You ran over to where Sam was and his knee was bleeding. He must have tripped and scraped it.

"Oh, Sammy, I'm right here. You're okay." You gathered him in your arms and you soothed down his hair but he wouldn't stop crying. You looked over at the adults to see some of them looking at you. This was bad. You knew coming here was a bad idea.

"It hurts." Sammy cried. You tried rocking him but his knee was scraped up bad. There wasn't a lot of blood but it looked painful.

"I know. I know it does. Hey, would a kiss make it better?" You got in front of him and he sniffled, seemingly distracted. He nodded and wiped his eyes. You kissed right above the wound and right below it.


You didn't see John or Bobby but you saw John's car. You ran with Sam to the side of his car and opened the door. John always kept it unlocked for reason you didn't know of but was thankful he did. You let Sam go in the backseat first and you went in after him.

"Okay, Sam, here." You handed on of the toy soldiers to him and he grabbed it.

"What are we going to do with them?"

"We are hiding them in here," you looked around and saw there was an opening of some kind on the side of the door bed you smiled widely. Maybe this opening was for cups or cigarettes but you didn't care. It was used for something else now. "We will keep those hidden in here and where you go, these toy soldiers will go." He put his soldier next to your and you smiled at him.

"Wow! You're so smart!" He giggled.

"Now you can't tell Dean or your dad because they will make you take them out." You said to him.

"Our secret." He held up his pinky.

"Our secret." You wrapped your pinky around his. A promise you always kept to him.


"Hey, Y/N?" You finished up the dishes and dried your hands, looking at Sam who walked up to you.

"What's up?" You smiled, watching him fiddle with a card.

"I made this in class today and I wanted to give this to you earlier but I didn't want Dean to see it." He handed you the card and frowned, looking at the front.

"Sam, what's this for?" You asked, getting tears.

"You always take care of me and according to the other kids, that's what mother's do. I know you're not my mom but you act like one and so I made this for you." You sat down at the table and opened the card, reading what Sam had to say.

You let a tear fall as you finished and saw that he also made you a heart.

"Sam, why didn't you want Dean to see this?" You asked, looking at him.

"Because he misses our mom. I didn't want to make him even more sad. I know you don't have your mom but you have me. And I have you." He said, smiling at you. You set the card down and got on your knees, hugging him tightly.

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