Wishful Thinking- Part 1

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Thinking back to your time with Uriel, you didn't think anything of it except that he threatened to kill you. Use to the death threats, you pushed that aside until you heard what he said to Sam before he even talked with you.

"It just doesn't make any sense, Dean. I mean, why would Uriel tell me you remembered Hell if you didn't?" Sam asked his brother who was downing shots. The fact that Dean might remember his time down under made your heart wrench in pain, but you had to know the truth.

"Maybe because he's a dick. Might have something to do with it."

"Maybe, but he's still an angel," you commented.

"Yeah, an angel who was ready to level an entire town. Look, I don't know what—"

"Radical. What else can I get you guys?" a cheerful waitress interrupted him.

"I think we're good. Thanks," you spoke for the group.

"You want to try a couple of fryer bombs? Or a chipotle chili changa?"

"No, no, we're still good," Dean said.

"Okay, awesome," she said with a smile before leaving.

"Sam, honestly, I have no idea why Uriel told you what he did, okay?" Dean said with a sigh once the waitress was out of earshot.

"Right," Sam scoffed.


"Okay. Fine. Then look me in the eye and tell me you don't remember a thing from your time down under," Sam said seriously as he stared into his brother's eyes. Dean clenched his jaw before flaring his nostrils a few times. He swiftly licked his bottom lip before looking into Sam's eyes.

"I don't remember a thing from my time down under. I don't remember, Sam!"

"Look, Dean, we just want to help," you said. Those three things he did was a clear telltale sign that he was lying. He didn't see it because he didn't spend all his time staring at him, but you noticed them. He did remember, he just didn't want to talk about it.

"You know everything I do. Okay? That's all there is," Dean sighed.

"Outstanding. Dessert time? Huh? Am I right?" the cheerful waitress came back.

"We said we're good. Just go get the check," you snapped at her.

"Awesome," she kept her smile before leaving the group.

"Alright, so, where do we go from here?" Dean asked once she was gone.

"I'm not sure. Uh, looks like it's been pretty quiet lately. No signs of demon activity, no omens or portents I can see."

"That's good news for once," you commented.

"Yeah, just the typical smattering of crank UFO sightings and one possible vengeful spirit. Here, check this out. Uh... Up in Concrete, Washington, eyewitness reports of a ghost that's been haunting the showers of a women's health facility," Sam spoke just as Dean choked on his beer. Rolling your eyes at his behavior, you let the younger brother continue. "The victim claims that the ghost threw her down a flight of stairs. I can see you're very interested."

"Women, showers. We got to save these people," Dean grinned.

"You're in a relationship, you know that right?" you asked with a shake of your head.

"I know that," he said in a small voice. One the check came, Dean paid it. Then, you three were off to Washington to save some naked women, apparently. The woman who had been attacked was a woman named Candace who Sam is going to meet at a place called Lucky Chin's Chinese Restaurant. As he was doing that, you and Dean were going to check out the woman's facility at the gym.

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