In The Beginning- Part 3

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"I don't know about this, Y/N," Dean sighed, making sure his priest uniform was on right. You two found a motel to stay at, and luckily, you carried cash on you otherwise you'd be sleeping on the streets.

"Dean, this is my one chance to find out who I am. My mom had this whole other life I never knew about, and I can finally get some answers. You can handle this on your own, but I have to talk to her. Please," you pleaded, hoping he would loosen his reigns on you a bit. It wasn't smart to separate in this time period, which is why he was a little hesitant. He knew there would be no stopping you if you really wanted to do this, but the fact that you asked him about it made it a little better.

"Fine but stay at her house. If I need you, I'll call her house phone. I'll get her number from Mary. I have a feeling I'll be seeing her and Samuel there in a little bit," Dean sighed.

"Thank you," you kissed his cheek before putting on your jacket. "I can't believe this."

"What?" he asked, looking at you through the mirror.

"You were named after a girl," you snickered before leaving the room. Dean just smiled and shook his head, going back to finishing his look. After you left Mary's house, you made sure to find a motel close enough to their houses, especially when you figure out your mom lived a few doors down from Mary.

Taking a deep breath, you walked up the steps to her front door. It didn't take long to walk there, but now that you were on the other side of her door, you were suddenly nervous. Raising your hand, you gave the door three swift knocks before biting your lip in nervousness. A few seconds passed before the door opened and your mother stood on the other end of it.

"Y/N, I thought you and Dean would be going to the farm today," she said with a smile.

"Why would you assume we'd be going?"

"I know hunters. They can't keep away from the cases. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about... hunting, I guess. I had some questions that I think you might be able to answer."

"Sure, come on in," she smiled and welcomed you into her home. Walking in, you looked around to find some sign of witchcraft. There were none, but you knew it was here somewhere. She led you to the family room and left you there to get two glasses of water before sitting down with you.

"What would you like to know?" she asked.

"How did you get into hunting? If you don't mind me asking."

"My parents were hunters. I got roped into their lives when we kept moving around a lot. I started asking questions when they would come home bloody and bruised, and soon, I was doing the same thing. They forced me to see things their way, and by the time they died, I couldn't get out of this life. Seen too many things and done countless stuff to just forget all that. What about you?"

"Um," you muttered, trying to process what she just said. Your grandparents were dead, and you never got to know them. "My mom was killed by a demon. Right in front of me when I was a kid. Dean's dad took me in after and raised me just like they did to him."

"Oh, you poor thing. I'm so sorry," she sighed, putting a hand on your arm to comfort you. A fresh wave of tears brimmed the surface of your eyes, but you wouldn't let them fall.

"If you're such a great hunter," you sniffled, changing the subject, "why didn't you go with Mary to the farm?"

"I had some business to take care of here. It's nothing," she waved you off, but you had an idea of what she was talking about.

"Do you believe in witches?" you suddenly asked, and she visibly stiffened up, but tried to pass it off.

"I have to. I've encountered a few in my days. Why do you ask?"

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