Chapter 35: The day has come! To the capital!

Start from the beginning


"Don't move or you'll wake up Ilya dear~~~."


Wa-wait..! No more!


I'm even getting teary eyed...

"Now, now, there's still some hours until daybreak so try to sleep a bit more or at least think more silently."

B-but how could I do that? I'm supposed to narrate...

"Just click on skip then...zzz..."

And she's back asleep just like that...this goddess...

Guess I'll do that then?



"Good morning, My Lord. I hope you had a good rest."

"As much as I could...and good morning to you too, Erevain."

I managed to sneak out of the room thanks to Ilya moving and I'm now outside.

Of course, I cleaned myself in my personal bathroom before.

You can already imagine what happened when I saw myself in the mirror using the clothes that Nerinne made for me yesterday.

Erevain seemed pleasantly surprised by my attire too, to the point where she turned a bit red when she first saw me, but it seems that she is not going to tell me her thoughts.

Perhaps it's just a crush or something deeper...did I start her route too?

What? Stop acting like a dense brainless harem mc?

Ha! You got me there!

Yeah, after that night I'm sure I started her route but even then, she must tell me.

I do like her though so there's that.

Nerinne seems to like her too, I mean...she encouraged the whole thing.

By the way, we are walking to the dining hall for some breakfast.

"Anything to report?"

I ask with my usual tone. Man, not even a week has passed, and I already do it unconsciously. Perhaps I unlocked a new skill?

"Sylvie showed the signs of someone apt with axes and a knife, but otherwise, she needs to learn the basics. Sophie, on the other hand, has proper training with a short sword and a dagger, but she is not at a satisfactory level. Still, Kris shall be training both in those aspects before moving on to magical training, which Mika and Josie shall oversee."


"Next, the processing of the recently obtained materials is going smoothly and Roxxy is already making schematics for the new weapons. She told me that it is likely that she shall start working on the first ones by tomorrow. Lastly, the carriage's maintenance was finished overnight, so it is ready to go."

Wow, she is fast, like really fast. I wonder if she wants to taste my food that badly or something else motivated her.

"Good. There shall be a reward for her efficient job performance."

More than pleasantly surprised, I'm impressed and my tone while saying that reflects that.

"She has been crafting weapons for us since the beginning, so I can attest to such performance, My Lord. And, if I may speak my thoughts freely, I would hazard that the chance to work with such great quality materials is reward enough for her."

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now