Irreparable Damage

Start from the beginning

Peter was washing some dishes from breakfast. As he did Anne came down stairs with the children. May was helping her bring them down along with Richard.

"Thank you." Anne said to May and Richard.

"No problem." Richard said. Suddenly the children all began to squirm and cry. Peter and Anne looked at each other. Then something hit the floor upstairs. Everyone looked up. May and Richard were confused while Peter and Anne were worried.

"I'll go check that." Peter said. When he was upstairs he looked around. He walked to the end of the hall where a window was opened. Peter then started to look with his seismic sense, but by then it was too late. Venom slammed the back of his fist into peter sending him through the floor into the living room. The children began to wail as Richard, May, and Anne all screamed out of shock from it. Venom then dropped into the living room. He then turned to Anne.

"Hello Anne." He said demonically. Anne just stared in horror. He then stepped off peter and walked to her. But peter caught his foot and threw him in the opposite direction. This sent him crashing into an office room. Peter got up.

"Get the kids and hide!" Peter said.

"Peter! What did you just do?!" May said completely shocked.

"Explain later hide now!" Peter said. Peter looked and found his bag that had his suit. Peter ran and slid for the bag grabbing it. May, Richard, and Anne all began to grab the kids. After picking them all up venom came back into the room. He shot a web that blocked the side door exit they were heading for.

"Not so fast!" Venom said. They all then ran into the hall before going through one of the doors to the kitchen. Their they hid behind the counter. Richard then realized who Anne was.

"Oh my god! Your Anne weying! The women who was missing for nearly 7 months!" Richard said in a whisper yell. Out of nowhere venom burst through the wall behind them. He started moving towards them when a web shot out from the hole venom made and peter shot through it as Spider-Man. He then shot a web into his hand and made rope. Then jumping onto venoms back he put the rope in his mouth.

"Don't forget about me!" Peter yelled. Venom roared in rage. Taking this opportunity everyone ran through the hole and went straight for the door. Venom grabbed the rope and threw it forward. Tossing peter along with it. Peter crashed through the wall and into the living room as the others reached the door. Richard gave May one of the children as he used his now free hand to open the door. Venom leapt into the living room and started for them. Peter got in his way. Venom threw a punch with his massive arm. Peter caught it with his full strength. He threw the one. Again peter caught the punch. They then pushed against each other in a battle of strength that had no winner. The others then ran outside to mays car and started to put the children in as quickly as possible. During their battle of strength Venom opened his mouth. He then bit down hard on Peters shoulder. Peter cries out in pain before he shot two long bones from his shoulder into the top and bottom of venoms jaw. He reared back in pain and pulled the bones with him out of peter. He grabbed the bones and yanked them out of his mouth. Looking at them he smiled as an idea came to him. He then threw one at peter. Peter moved to the side as he watched it. He then saw the second had already been thrown. Confused by how it clearly missed he looked at its trajectory. He then saw that it was going straight for Anne. Peters eyes widened. Quickly he dashed at full speed. The sonic boom destroyed all of the windows in the surrounding houses. The bone must be going at the speed of a bullet. The head-start it had was to great. Because peter didn't make it in time. The bone hit its target. Right in the center Anne's back. Anne's face was nothing but shock as she felt the pain. Peter reached her a few milliseconds later and caught her as she began to fall. Peter just looked at her in horror. Peter was shaking. This was just like last time. He was so close to saving her. But again..... he didn't make it. Anne's expression was full of pain. Suddenly venom shot a web that caught Anne and yanked her to him. He caught her by wrapping his giant fist around her chest. She screamed from the pain of being moved.

"Oh. Did that hurt? Here how's this?" Eddie said as he yanked the bone out of her back. She screamed again.

"May stay here! Call this number!" Peter said as he threw May his phone which was opened to Fury's number. She took the phone and immediately made the call. Peter then turned to venom before he leapt at him. Venom tossed Anne to the side and braces for impact against peter. But venom was not prepared for the sheer force that peter had behind him. Venom caught himself as he crashed into the backyard. He then went back into the living room. By then peter had gone to Anne who was unconscious and had taken her back outside and to the other side of the car. It seemed the reason she was unconscious was that she hit her head when Venom had thrown her. Venom laughed.

"And the Itsy bisty Spider can't save my victims like then." Venom taunted with a smile. Peter roared frustration and anger filling his voice. Venom walked out of the house. Peter activated the venom blasts as his hands crackled with energy. The energy grew so much that it went up his entire arm and created pulse waves across his chest. Venom jumped at him when a gunshot was heard and venom was hit in the chest by a sniper bullet. Caught off guard venom looked to see a sniper set up all the way down the street. With their superior eyesight they could both see the snipers S.H.I.E.L.D. Uniform. Firing off another bullet venom dodged this one. Looking at the minivan with the children in it he growled before running away. If a S.H.I.E.L.D. sniper was here that meant other S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents weren't far behind. Venom couldn't fight them and a pissed off Spider-Man. As he left a helicopter came out and landed in the middle of the street. Peter opened the minivan and picked up Anne. He then ran to the helicopter as fast as he could without putting her in a worse condition. He was greeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents. "Help her!! Hurry!!!!" Peter yelled. The guys looked at Anne before taking her quickly and ordering the pilot to head for the closest hospital and get the best doctors available. Peter just stood there as the helicopter left just as fast as it arrived. Soon a big black SUV drove up and stopped next to mays minivan. Then S.H.I.E.L.D. Director nick fury stepped out. He looked at the house, then the children in the van, and finally at peter who was still watching the helicopter fly away.

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