47. Nick

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"Whose car is this?" Nick asks Ian as they are driving away from the San Francisco International Airport.

"Brody," Ian says, referring to his dorm mate. "He lets me drive it since I don't have a car here, and I didn't think you'd want to ride on the back of my bike."

"Good call." They sit in comfortable silence as Nick takes in the scenery. It's warm—at least twenty degrees warmer than home—and Nick can see why Ian loves it here. The people are an equal mix of supermodels and hippies with dreadlocks. This is exactly his style.

"How's Olly and Simon doing? I miss those kids," Ian asks after a few minutes.

"They are good. I drive home every few weeks and get to see them. It's getting harder now since it's cold outside. We have to try to figure out places to meet indoors."

Nick had thought that there may be a thin sliver of hope that his mom would want to see him on Thanksgiving, but she hadn't mentioned it. It has been almost a year since he moved out, and she still just seems relieved.

Ian obviously tries to change the subject, sensing Nick's thoughts. "So you will not believe what Bailey is doing today," he pauses for effect. "She's skydiving."

Bailey? Skydiving? He remembers her having a complete freak out when they went on a field trip to Willis Tower in Chicago last year.

"What is going on with the Rogers twins? Were you both closeted adrenaline junkies this whole time?"

Ian laughs. "She's got this boyfriend who has 'opened up her world'—her words, not mine."

Nick feels an ache rising in his gut. It shouldn't. She's moved on. That's great. Fantastic. Wonderful.

When they reach Ian's dorm, Nick does what he always does when he feels like this. He pulls out his Tinder app.

Ian sees what he's doing. "There is no way you have a fucking Tinder account!"

Nick shrugs. "You don't care if I meet someone real quick, do you?"

"Fuck, no. This is your vacation. We'll do whatever you want. I just can't believe you're doing this. You've never had trouble before."

Nick punches him in the arm. "I don't have trouble now. This is just easier."

Ian can't stop laughing. "So what happens now? Do I need to leave? You can use Brody's bed. He's gone this week. He'll never know."

Nick shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the phone. "No. She says I can come to her room. Apparently she's just downstairs."

"Are you fucking kidding me? There's a girl here that does this shit? Maybe I need to get an account."

Nick doesn't respond and heads out the door. When he sees the number on the door that the girl told him, he knocks loudly. He's in a hurry. He has to get the image of Bailey and another guy out of his head.

As soon as she opens the door, Nick says, "I don't have a long time."

She nods and pulls him in.

When he returns to Ian's room, Ian looks at him weirdly. "This is fucking bizarre, dude. You just fucked a stranger and are back here like nothing just happened. It hasn't even been a half hour!"

Nick shrugs. "It doesn't take that long." When I imagine it's your sister.

Ian shakes his head. "Maybe not for you..."

Unfortunately the match up didn't have the effect Nick was hoping for. He still can't the idea of Bailey having a boyfriend out of his head. He had guessed that she had probably been with guys at school, but the thought of a consistent someone, someone who she likes—or God forbid, loves—being with her all the time, every night. It's too much for him to take.

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