Love is Pain

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[Based off Older by Sasha Sloan]

I used to think loving was sunshine
Light, happiness
Nothing but positivity
So why were my parents
Always tangled
In that ever twisting ball of fury?

Why were my mother's eyes
Always red-rimmed
From nights spent screaming
And smashing the glass
Why was my father,
Ever absent at the table?
And the only time I heard his voice
Was when it was filled with frustration
Brimming with red hot anger
And harsh words spilling out
I thought my parents
Were supposed to love each other

I wanted
A different family
I promised myself
I would love better than them
But I was naive back then
The older I got
The more I realised
Love isn't pink hearts
And romantic dinners
Or just kisses and rings
By the river at night
Love is pain
Love is the arrow through your chest
That aches in every beat of your heart

To love is to suffer
And loving is hard
My parents weren't perfect
And neither am I
Now I understand
That sometimes it's better
To let someone go
Sometimes it's just not meant to be
And sometimes it hurts the other

Out of all our feelings
Love is the most deadly
It heals
But it destroys too
So all you can do
Is fight for your love
And try not to get hurt

I used to get mad
For this broken family I had
But I was just a kid back then
And children don't understand
Now that I'm older
Now that I see
Love isn't easy
And it doesn't have to be

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