"I'll be Fine"

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You promised me
You promised me to live
You promised me that we would grow up
Go to the same schools
The same universities
The same jobs
And our children would become best friends
Just like we were
You promised me
You would always be there for me
And I...
I wanted to be there for you too
So why
Why did you break our promise?
Why didn't you lean on me
When I told you to?
I said I'd always be there didn't I?!
It's my fault
It's all my fault
I shouldn't have listened to you
When I first saw the scars
That marred your skin
And you begged me
Eyes pleading
To not tell anyone
When you became silent
And your eyes fell dark
And yet you held me back
"I'll be just fine"
You said
But you weren't fine
You would never be fine again
And it was too late
When you stopped turning up for school
And your body turned up instead
On the cold floor of your bedroom
I could have saved you
If only I had been stronger
But I wasn't
I wasn't
And I cost you your life
I'm sorry
It's my fault our promise was broken
It's my fault that we couldn't see the world together
It's my fault
I wish...
You were still here.

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