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When it's late at night
And there's nothing but the suffocating silence
I hear voices
Voices in my head
They've always been there
But they seem to fade in
And fade out
But the night
Is when they get loud
And they tell me things
Things I don't want to hear
Things that make me want
To curl up into a ball and cry
Things that make me want to step off the edge
So I try
To shut them out
To drown them out
To smother them
But they won't go away
They only rise in volume
So I scream
Until my throat is hoarse
And then I'm throwing my books on the ground
And punching the mirror
And every morning
The scars start turning up on my skin
Little red ugly marks
And every night
Why are my cheeks wet?
And why
Do they look at me this way?
Why do they turn away?
Can't they see it hurts?!
It hurts
It hurts
It hurts
It hurts so much
And these voices won't stop
It hurts
My head hurts
It hurts like hell
I think I'm going to fall
To fall
To the ground
And into the cool earth
And sink downwards
Until I burst
Into nothing
And maybe these voices will stop.

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