don't forget me

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He didn't know why he was here anymore.
What was he doing here?
He was tired.
So tired.
He wanted to give in and fall to his knees, and let the fire wash over his body, let it consume him.
Let go.
He could just stay here for eternity, drifting into a mindless slumber.
He had to make it out of here, make it out of this burning hell.
                Make it back to her.
After so long, after all these centuries he spent alone, believing that no one could ever love him, believing that no one would ever accept him—
He had found someone.
Who believed in him, believed he could change, from the bottom of her heart.
And for the first time, he had something to lose.
How long had he been down here?
Did she still remember him?
Had she forgotten?
He had to get back to the surface.
It would mean nothing to him if he came back,
And she had forgotten.
"Please—don't forget me just yet."

Author's Note
Hiya! This one is inspired by Noragami, and one of the scenes in it. It's my favourite anime heh, I highly rec watching it if you haven't and watch anime.

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