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Hurry up
The fire is close
Hurry up
The end is near
Hurry up
The water is coming
If we don't run
We'll get pulled under
If we don't run
We'll get scalded
If we don't run
We'll fall over the edge
I think we should run
Over the line
Over the border
And across the breaking point
Won't you run with me?
Run, run, run
Don't leave me alone
I don't want to be alone
When I stumble and trip
I don't want to be alone
When they catch me
So why don't you come
And run with me?
Run, run, run
Take my hand
And pull me away
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Away from the flames
Away from the smoke
Into the night
We don't want to be seen
So we'll run
Into the dark
Into the void
Run, run, run
Stay close to me
And keep pace
I don't want to lose you
So let's keep running

Author's note
This piece is based on the song "Run" by Daughter, go give it a listen, it's great;)

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