Chapter 9

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"By the way, are you homeless?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen is how she decides to end our amicable silence

"Where did you even get that?" I ask her incredulously

"Well... We don't ever hangout at your place and half the time you're sleeping on my couch, so I figured"

I take a sharp U turn, making her squeal

"What the hell are you doing?Are you trying to get us killed?"

"I just wanted to take you to my condo"

"And they wouldn't let you in if you don't go at fatal speed? Slow down!"

Her face is flushed and her eyes widened, with a cute frown marring her features. It makes me chuckle and slow down

Her phone goes off with a ping

"Oh shit! I need to practice taking case history there might be a test tomorrow"

"Do you need like a dummy or something for that?"

"No no, Can you just pretend that you're a patient with a broken mandible?I promise I'll finish by the time we reach your place"

"Okay. Fine "


"You already know my name"

She groans
"That's not how it works! Now tell me your full name"

I roll my eyes
"Demetrio L King"

"Really? What does L stand for? Lucas? Liam? Lucy?" she giggles

I just give her an exasperated look

"Okay, Sorry. Next question –—Sex?"


"What?You could be a bisexual or a gay man. How am I supposed to know?

This is ridiculous!

"Male"I grunt

She put up this charade for the rest of the ride and thankfully palpated on herself. I would lose control if she started touching me like that in the car

I had to remind myself a thousand times to take it slow. She deserves a proper courting

We parked in my private parking and took the lift to my penthouse. All the while she was staring at me silently

I punched in the code and opened the main door

"Welcome to my humble abode"

I turned to her, her jaw slacked

"You own this?"

"Ya... Don't you like it?"

Taking the remote, I opened the binds to reveal the city floor to ceiling glass with the city view

"Why do you even hangout at my place? This is gorgeous" she says

"At the end of the day, I'll have to come back to this empty place. It's a house not a home"

Her eyes soften at that

"I can understand, I miss my home back in my country too. Sometimes I feel like the walls are closing in on me"

At that moment I feel an emotional connection develop.

She's God damn perfect!

Fuck this! Fuck taking slow I need her now.

I closed the distance between us and claimed her lips

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