Chapter 8

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So, obviously he didn't let me drive. The cocky bastard sat beside me whistling away while I was turning into a tomato

"Hey I think I'm lost?"

"What? But this is the way we usually take"

"Could you give me the directions to your heart?"

"Cheesy pick up lines? Seriously?"

He flashed a million dollar smile before continuing his assault of pick up lines

"Are you my appendix? Cause I have this feeling in my gut that I need to take you out"

"That's a good one actually"

"Ya? But did it hurt?... When you fell from heaven?"

This continued all the way till the ice cream place and didn't stop even when we got weird gazes from the people

"To go please"


"I'll eat in the car and Thank God you've stopped!"

"Is that a phone in your back pocket? Cause that ass is calling me"

Rolling my eyes, I collect my ice cream and head to the car

"Are you my pinky toe?.."

"Complete that sentence and I'm not getting in the car with you" I warn him

To which he only grins

A begger huddled by the shop catches my attention

"Do you have some spare change on you?"

He looks at me puzzled before handing over some money. I rush to him

"Are you ok?Did you eat anything?"

He meekly shakes his head indicating a No

"Here have this ice cream and here's some money buy yourself something to eat"

I get up and walk over to Demi who is still standing by the car

"You know he might just end up using that for drugs right?"

"We spend so much every week on alcohol and cigarettes and blame it on stress,what right do we have to judge how he spends his money just because his method of earning is different and has low income?"

He stilled for a moment before turning towards me

"Spending those few dollars will not affect our lives in any way but if there's even a slightest chance that it's gonna help somebody, then why not?"

"God! You're so perfect!" he gave me a bear hug

"I'm not! And can't breathe!!"

He released me quickly

"Come now, let's get you some ice cream"

"I don't want anyway, let's go home. I miss my bed"

We left the place with a hint of smile on our faces. Could the night get any better?

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