Chapter 15

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School is now boring, the reason was because my Jasper graduated along with Rose and Emmett. I only get to see him when were home, but he defiantly shows me how much he missed me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Alice nudged me. “What?” I asked to low for humans, she looked to who was in front of me…. Mike. “Well?” Mike asked me. “well what?” I asked really confused. “Do you wanna hang out one day?” Oh great here we go, now Jasper isn’t here there all gonna be coming. “No thanks Mike, I have a wedding to start planning, you do remember I am engaged to Jasper right?” I asked I saw fear in Mike’s eyes before he quickly hid it. “I’m always up for some competition” He said before he kissed me on my lips and rubbed his hands along my legs under the table. I got up out of my seat stormed out of the room but not before telling Alice to get Edward to fetch her home.

I jumped in to BMW and drove out of the school car park as I was putting all the windows down in the cars and turning the radio up. I need Jasper, I need him to show me who I belong to, I need to get Mike’s scent well away from me. EUGH!


I was on my own, Emmett and Rose had gone out for the day, Carlisle and Esme was out at the hospital, Bella and Alice was at school.

I truly do miss Bella, she’s my world my everything, I would do anything for her. She’s my whole world, nothing and no one compares to her, she is one of a kind, my one and only love.

I was brought out of my thought when I heard the radio before I even heard or saw Bella speeding down the driveway. I knew right away she was pissed. “Baby, whats-“ Was all I got out before I smelt him all over her. I didn’t think twice, I pounced on her. “What the fuck happened Isabella?” I asked. “Mike, I need him off me Major, I need you to show me who I belong to” She told me, I didn’t wait any longer, the major was out, and he wasn’t holding back.

“How dare he touch what’s mine” I hissed while slamming in to my Bella. “Harder Major, Oh god” Bella moaned. “Who do you belong to, tell me” I hissed. “You only you” she moaned out. “Damn right, no one will ever make you feel like this” I whispered in her ear before biting down on to her bite mark, only this time biting a lot harder. Within seconds I was on my back with my teeth still in Bella’s neck, but she was defiantly enjoying it. She started rocking on me again.

After out 4 hour mating session, the house was completely trashed and I mean the whole house, even the others rooms. “Shit” I mumbled while looking in to Emmett’s and Roses room, everything was broken. It was like it in everyone’s rooms. “Were in shit” Bella whispered.

We had just finished cleaning down stairs before starting upstairs. “I’m home” Alice shouted, I heard Edwards heartbeat. “Hi Aunt Bella Uncle Jazz” He smiled at us with Alice hugged to his side. “Were going upstairs” Alice told us before walking up to her room with Edward. A couple of seconds I heard a scream. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” Alice shouted in our faces. “He showed me who I belonged to, no big deal Alice” Bella told her like it was nothing, except it was the most amazing thing ever when me and Bella get carried away.

“No big deal. You do realise Emmett and Rose wi-“ Was all she got out before the two of them in question appeared in the house. I looked over to Edward who was smiling, thinking it was all funny, god help my nephew. “Me and Rose what Alice?” Emmett asked her. “Talk to Jasper and Bella, better yet just go check your room” Alice told him before skipping over to Edward and going to sit down on the sete.

Emmett and Rose ran up to their room. “Your dead!” Rose hissed, me and Bella ran. Yeah we might be the god and goddess of war, but when you have sex in another mated couples room, all hell will break loose.

“What are we going to do? They’ll kill us if we go back to the house” Bella asked me, I chuckled to her. “You do realise you’re the goddess of war right, and your worried what they’ll do” she smacked me playfully in my chest. “Jasper, we fucked in another mated couples bed, they’ll be pissed”  I slung her over my shoulder. “Let’s find out we’ve been gone a couple of hours” I told her.

I jumped through our bedroom window hoping they won’t know we were there. Luckily they weren’t, we tidied our room quickly and quietly as we could. I grabbed Bella’s hand and we went downstairs, the house still smelt of mine and Bella’s fuckin session.

“Why the fuck did you think it was suitable to have sex in our room?” Rose hissed getting in to Bella’s face. “No big deal Rose, he just showed me who I belonged to” She told her while winking at me. “What in all of our rooms? Geez your scents are everywhere in this house” I couldn’t help but smile. “Jasper knock it off with the projecting” Carlisle told me. I looked towards Edward and Alice. Alice looked pissed, but Edward had a big smile on his face and stuck his thumbs up. “Why you sticking your thumbs up Edward you do realise this chair were sitting on right now your Aunt had sex with Jazz on it” Alice told him, I had never seen a human move so fast. “God Alice, I don’t want to think about it that way, it’s just gross. There my Aunt and Uncle for Christ sake” Edward muttered.

“We’ll tidy your rooms” Bella told them, I looked down at her like she was crazy, no way was I tidying others rooms. “We’ve already done it” Carlisle told us, thank god. “Now why did this happen?” Esme asked. “You really want to know?” Alice asked her a bit shocked. “Well I needed to get Mike Newton scent off of me, so Jazz showed me who I belonged to, we got carried away. The Major and Iz came out” Bella told them with a shrug of her shoulder, while puling me in to a love seat that had our scent all over it, I couldn’t stop myself, I lifted Bella over my shoulder and ran her to our room.

“You know until the scent is gone from around the house, this will never stop” I whispered in her ear before nibbling at her ear. I couldn’t stop, I was going to show Bella who she belonged to.

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