Chapter 7

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Classes have been fine so far, me, Emmett and Rose are in nearly the same lessons. We are currently sat in French waiting for the bell to ring for dinner, which I’m looking forward to as I get to see my beautiful wife and catch up with her and Alice, find out how their days have gone. If I find out anyone has tried to flirt with Bella I will be killing somebody, but knowing Bella she wouldn’t tell me until we get home so I could take my anger out by having a mock battle with her. We were due for one anyway, to keep on top of our skills ready for any fights that might come our way. With us been the god and goddess of war, we always have people after us, but we’ve kept in the background so far.

Me, Emmett and Rose walked to the dinner hall, we looked for Bella and Alice and they was sat in the corner at a table with 6 chairs around it. I sat down next to Bella and pulled her into my side, while Rose and Emmett sat in-between Alice and Bella. “So how did it go sis?” Emmett asked Bella, who looked at Alice with worry in her eyes. I tried to feel her emotions but she had her shield up. “Good” I could tell she was lying but I would leave it until we got home. We was all talking to each other, laughing and joking when a group of people walked over to us. “hi my name is Jessica, if you need anything, and I mean nothing just let me know” She told me, not looking at anyone but me, with her emotions full of lust. I had to keep Bella pinned to my side, so she didn’t rip her pathetic head off of her neck. I heard Emmett laugh under his breath, just loud enough for us vampires to hear. “Thanks. This is my fiancé Bella, her brother Emmett, my twin Rosalie, and our adoptive sister Alice”  I told her not bothering to introduce myself. “Nice to meet you” She told us all, while giving Bella a dirty look, while checking Bella’s engagement ring out, I could tell she didn’t like when she saw the diamond ring on Bella’s ring finger because her emotions went to jealousy.

“This is Lauren, Mike, Eric, Angela and Tyler” Jessica introduced them all, I knew something happened with the boy Mike because Bella’s emotions went to pissed within seconds, I filed that thought away for later. “Hey Bella, what happened to you last period?” Mike asked Bella, I defiantly knew something had happened. “I told you Mike she wasn’t very well” Alice told him “I’ll tell you when we get home” Bella told me just loud enough for me to hear. The bell went then finally, and we all made our way to the rest of our classes after saying bye to each other.

At the end of the day I walked over to the car to noticed Bella was already in it with the radio turned up, with her hands gripping the steering wheel. I jumped into the passenger side and took her hands off of the steering wheel and turned the radio off. “What happened?” I asked her. “I’ll tell you when we get home” I just nodded because the others was getting into the back seats. Bella turned the radio station full blast, put all the windows down. I knew I shouldn’t of let her drive because she was pissed. If the others think she drove crazy on the way to school they are going to get the shock of their lives. Everyone put their seatbelt one except Bella. She put the car in reverse and sped out of the car park and was on the road within seconds. I could feel everyone’s emotions, if vampires could, they would be shitting themselves right now. We made it home within 2 and half minutes.

Bella jumped out, I was out right behind her. She dragged me into the back garden and charged straight towards me. I knew this is what she needed, to take all her anger out, and I knew she wasn’t going to take it easy, otherwise she would of asked someone else.

After the battle was over, I had 3 fresh new bite marks. I can’t complain it helped Bella calm down. “I’m so sorry” Bella sobbed into my chest after she sealed them, she hates it when she bites me. “It’s ok darlin. Don’t worry about it. So are you going to tell me what had you so pissed?” I asked her while we was sat on the forest floor leant against a tree. “Mike. I didn’t tell you at school because I knew you would be pissed. I was ready to kill him. No joke in it either. Me and Alice had to sit at different tables in biology. I had to sit next to Mike. We was in class for 5 minutes, when he started flirting with me. I just ignored him, but then he started touching my arm, leg. He was pissing me off. I told him I was engaged and if he wanted to stay alive I told him to take his hands off of me and keep them away from me. I thought he would be alright, when we saw him at diner, but I was wrong in Spanish he was like it again” Bella told me, all the way through her telling me what happened I had to keep sending her calm emotions to try and keep myself calm. “He WHAT!” I was fuming, so the battle was on again because we was the only ones who could handle each other when we was in this frame of mind.

After marking eachother a number of times we finally made it back home, everyone wanted to know what happened to make us both pissed, so we explained to them, without getting ourselves pissed again. Me and Bella went to our bedroom for the rest of the night to relax.

Soul Searching X Jasper [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن