Chapter 6

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We’ve been in Forks for 2 days now, the house is huge there is a bedroom for us all aswel as 2 guest rooms, its more windows then walls. It’s in the middle of the forest with a driveway that goes on for about a mile. The whole town is talking about the new family. Carlisle and Esme enrolled us all in school, which we start tomorrow the story is that Bella and Emmett are brother and sister, Emmett is a senior and Bella is a junior. Me and Rose are twins both in senior year, I’m happy about that but I’ll be finished a year before Bella. Alice is a junior and an only child. Carlisle starts his new job at Forks hospital, while Esme has started her own business as an interior designer, who works from home and hires others to go to clients house’s.

I sold my BMW Z3, as we got a BMW E90 in white for us all to travel to school and back. I got the BMW i8 in black while Bella is got a Lamborghini Aventador in black, we would use them for special occasions or if we was going out of town, but the BMW  Z3 is for us all to go to school, but me or Bella will only be the ones to drive it, probably me, not everyone enjoys Bella’s driving. Anyone would think she was a racing driver.

Alice had a vision that Edward would be moving within the next 2 months, but Charlie, Edward’s farther, doesn’t know about it yet. Charlie came to our house yesterday to ‘investigate’ the children.


We had all just unpacked, and decorated with vampire speed, we just sat down on the white sete watching the TV, when we eared a car come down the driveway, within a couple of minutes there was a heartbeat and a knock at the door. Carlisle went to answer it when we heard a male, introducing himself as chief swan, as soon as Bella heard his name, her emotions went haywire, going from excitement to worry within seconds.

Carlisle invited him in, Carlisle introduced him to Esme. Charlie sat down on the chair he looked at us all sat on our mates lap. “Are they all together?” Charlie asked Carlisle. “Yes well, this is Emmett and Bella McCarty, who are brother and sister, Emmett is a senior while Bella is a junior. Rosalie and Jasper Hale, who are twins both seniors, then we have Alice Brandon she is also a junior. Emmett and Rosalie are dating aswel as Bella and Jasper” Carlisle told him.

“Well kids, I’m Charlie, the Chief of police, I stopped by to let you all know that we don’t accept any trouble here in Forks. I am hoping I don’t have to see you in the station.” Charlie told us. “Don’t worry Charlie, they are all well behaved, we’ve brought them up well” Esme told him, I was shocked, she doesn’t like people talking bad about us. “Yes, well a friend of mine Billy Black, he told me your family are quite the trouble makers” The name rings a bell, were have I heard it from? Oh yeah the werewolf’s. “I don’t know who Billy Black is Charlie, and I can assure you my family are no problem, but if they are you have my permission to arrest them” Carlisle told him, I could tell by the emotions in the hose. “Were going out mum, dad” Bella told them, we all jumped into mine and Bella’s BMW E90. I let Bella drive knowing it would help her blow off some steam.

End of Flashback...


Alice is the only one excited about going to school tomorrow, knowing she would meet her mate there in 2 months time. Bella, well Bella is Bella. She’s happy to be back in her home time, and going to the school she attended when she was human, she just doesn’t enjoy school, but has to attend to keep to the story. Emmett, he’s excited to play pranks on the humans. Rosalie is pissed, she hates attending school, but at least we only have one year compared to Bella and Alice. Me well I’m not fussed, I only have a year then I graduate, and I’ll still see Bella.  

Carlisle said the girls can wear their engagement rings just not the wedding rings. I wear mine on my dog tags that I still have from my human life. Bella wears hers on a necklace I got her last year. Emmett wears his on a necklace, Rose wears hers on a bracelet.

The only thing if the girls keep their engament rings on we will have to have another wedding, which the Bella isn’t bothered about. Every time we get married I always buy her a new wedding ring. She has a collection going, we do this to try and stay in the era, I keep the same gold band, I’ve always had.

We was already to go to school at 7:00AM and school doesn’t start till 8:00 but we need to get our lesson plan and lockers sorted and find a good parking space, we decided not to set off till 7:30AM, and let Bella drive, which everyone would of wished they didn’t agree to that. Bella is a maniac at driving, which nobody knows about, as she never invites anyone into her cars, she usually lets either Rose or Alice drive when they go shopping.

7:30AM came round quick. We all jumped into the BMW, Bella in the driver seat, me in the passenger seat, Emmett, Rose and Alice in the back. “You might want to buckle up guys” I told the others. “Why were indestructible” Emmett told me. “Yes but I don’t want my car getting ruined, thank you. Trust me Bella drives like a maniac.” I told them while Bella was putting the radio to her favourite station, while I buckled up, the others noticed what I was doing and followed with their own seatbelts, and giving me a look that was another way saying are you serious.

We made it to the school within 5 minutes. If vampires could be sick I knew the others would, me I’m used to my crazy wife’s driving. “I told you she’s a crazy driver” I told them while laughing at their faces. “Seriously Jasper your driving us back” I knew Bella wouldn’t allow that, she would turn around and say no- “Not a chance, I drove here I drive back. I’ll go slow for you little girls” Bella took the words out of my thoughts. We all walked in to the office to get our lesson plan and locker combinations. When we walked back to the car other students was arriving, in their ancient rusty trucks. Yep were defiantly going to stick out like a sore thumb, I thought to myself. I heard Bella chuckling, probably reading my thoughts. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked her while hugging her to my side. “You have to ear everyone’s thoughts” Bella told me, within seconds Bella had us wrapped around her shield and we could hear every ones thoughts...

God look at the blonde chick..

That brunette is gorgeous..

They seem nice people..

Oh look show offs with their BMW and designer clothes..

Oh it’s the family, that my mum told me about, what was the name... oh yeah Cullen’s, they are all adopted....

It just went on and on. I guess news spreads easy in this town. The bell rang and we all mad our way to register period. Me, Emmett and Rose are all in the same register class and Bella and Alice are in the same register class. I am going to miss my beautiful wife.

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