Chapter 11

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I could tell Bella was still pissed, we all was, well except Carlisle and Esme, they didn’t know what’s happened since we left for school, this morning, but I’m sure they will be when they find out. Alice is worried for what Carlisle and Esme say about the whole thing, but happy because Edward is going to figure it out soon.  

I was ready to rip her head off, for the comment she said to Bella about him been more to Alice then he is to Bella. Does she not realise Bella can turn her in to ash if she carries on. I was surprised she attacked Iz.

I think all of us was ready to turn her in to ash after she told us she knew this was going to happen. I don’t think she realises in our world Bella is the one who chooses what happens, she’s his auntie. I know Bella would do anything for her brother. She even told me that if there was a place for humans to go after they pass, she wants her brother to look down on her and be proud of looking after his grandson and son.  Alice just had to go and ruin.

“Ok. What’s going?” Esme asked us, she obviously had enough of us all giving Alice the go to hell look. “Why don’t you ask Alice?” Bella told her. “Ok. Alice what’s going off?” Alice shifted in her seat, uncomfortable about Esme’s reaction. “Why don’t we wait until dad gets back mum?” Alice asked her. Bella was on her within seconds, the love seat tipped over. “look at you sucking up to Esme. What you think if you call them mum and dad they’ll forgive you for putting us in this situation? Not once have you called them mum and dad Alice. I suggest you suck it up and get ready for what they have to say, oh so help me, you’ll be nothing but a pile of limbs Alice” Bella hissed at her. Nobody realised Carlisle was back, until he spoke. “Ok what’s going on?” Alice stiffened while Bella still had a hold of her. “Yes Alice what’s going off?” Bella mocked. “I think we should have a family meeting” Alice whispered.

We all gathered around the dining room table, were we have our meetings. I had Bella on my lap so I can keep a hold of her. “Ok, I’ll ask again what the hell is going on” Carlisle asked us. We all looked at Alice who put her head down. “I’ll tell you even though it was Alice who let us get in to this shit. Alice knew Edward would figure out that were different and that I’m his auntie. On way to class after dinner he told me he was going to fetch a picture in to school tomorrow, to show me how much I look like his auntie, that I could pass to be her twin, but under his breath he said or I could be her, thinking I couldn’t hear him” Bella told him looking at Alice the whole time. “Ok, when did you find this out Bella?” Carlisle asked her. “On way to school she slipped up. I dragged her out of the car, we got in to a fight after she booted me in her chest, she’s lucky Iz didn’t turn her in to fucking ash” Bell hissed. “I sent calm towards her. “Alice, why didn’t you tell us, we could of talked about this, instead of Bella’s nephew figuring it out on his own, she wasn’t ready” Carlisle asked her. “That right there. Bella has no right to decide what to do whit him, for fuck sake, it’s always Bella this Bella that” I had to grab Bella by her waste. “I swear to go Alice carry on with that fucking mouth of yours. You should be lucky Jasper has a death grip on me” Bella hissed at her. “Whatever Bella. If it wasn’t for me Jasper wouldn’t even be here, Maria would of found him and ki-“ I couldn’t stop her, Iz was out to play. “Get in submissive NOW!” I hissed to everyone. Iz was on top of Alice with her hand around her throught.


I couldn’t stay in any longer. How dare she, I let it slip about the Edward situation but as soon as she mentioned Maria finding Jasper I was out, and on top of her with my hand around her neck. “I dare you to finish that sentence you little bitch” Alice looked at me and smiled. “If it wasn’t for me telling you that Jasper was coming and was your mate, Maria would of found and killed him” I ripped her hand off. “Are you so sure about that did you see it?” I asked her with a smile on my face while reading her thoughts. “In fact I did” I could tell by her thoughts she was trying to make a vision up to show me. “Don’t lie Alice and stop trying to make a vision up of it happenening, I’m not stupid. You can stop shoving it in our faces that if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have Jasper with me now. I’m sick of it. Poor Alice she’s only just found her mate” I ripped her other hand off before continuing. “who so happens to be Bella’s nephew, but Bella can’t say anything about when Edward finds out about us or not. It’s time you realise that in our world, me and Bella are the ones who decide what’s good for him, do you hear me Alice?” I hissed in her face. She just nodded her head. “I can’t hear you” I told her. “Yes” I jumped off of her. I noticed everyone was there in a submissive position while The Major was out with a smile on his face. He obviously couldn’t keep himself in.

Within seconds I was on the floor with a lust Major on top of me. “OUT NOW!” The Major ordered, as he was ripping my clothes off of me. I was going to have a good time.


We was in shit, Iz and The Major was out, nobody could stop anyone of them. This was all Alice’s fault. After Iz got off of Alice, none of dare move in case the major or Iz attacked us. “OUT NOW!” The Major shouted at us while ripping Iz’s clothes off of her. That kitchen isn’t going to be standing any longer.

We made it well away from the house, so we didn’t have to hear their activities. I’ll be quite surprised if the house is standing any longer, they usually go out in to the forest to mark each other, so they didn’t destroy the house.

“My poor house” Esme muttered to herself. “I’m sure they’ll be careful” I told her. Alice was quiet while we all sat in a circle in the forest talking. At 12:00AM we ran back to the house.

When we got there it was a total disaster.


Iz and the Major went back into the cage after they marked each other, but it wasn’t enough for me and Jasper, we marked each other about 10 times, the lust between us was too much.

After we finished our marking session, we went in to our room to get a change of clothes. After going back down we realised we completely trashed the house. The sete was in pieces, the walls had Bella size dint in them aswel as the floor, the kitchen sides was missing chunks out of them. Esme’s precious dining room table was in pieces. Everything was broke. Our bedroom was trashed, the bed was broke the drawers was in half.

“Oops” I muttered. “Esme is going to be pissed” Jasper muttered to me, just then we heard 5 people running towards the house when we realised it was Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, Rose and Alice. “Shit” I muttered, we ran outside to meet them at the door. “You might not want to go in there Esme” Jasper told her. “What did you do to my house?” Esme hissed at us, pushing passed us. Esme is one scary mum when she wants to be. “ARGH” we all heard her scream. The others ran in to the house. I heard Rose and Emmett laugh. Me and Jasper went to where they was stood. “Seriously guys what the fuck, the whole house stinks of sex. Everything’s trashed, you could of at least used your room” Emmett boomed at us. “We did, it just couldn’t hold us” Jasper told him, not really bothered about the whole situation. “You both can get it all cleaned up. NOW” Esme hissed at us. Everyone went to their rooms and left me and Jasper to clean up after our session.


I just couldn’t keep him in any longer, seeing my mate like that pushed him out. We didn’t mean to trash the house, the lust between us was too much. It’s not good having Bella as an empath aswel when we live with others.  After we finished cleaning up everyone came back downstairs to finish the family meeting off. We had to sit on the floor as there were no chairs left.

“Ok so Alice, why didn’t you tell us?” Carlisle asked her. I was worried you’d refuse to come; every one of you has your mate I don’t. I’ve had to watch Bella get her hopes up for months that Jasper would turn up. When he did turn up they was inseparable, that was the first time I had been around mated vampires then we come to you, and you all had your mates. It killed me knowing he was out there but human. I knew it was going to be hard, I mean I didn’t think you was going to accept him. Then I find out he’s related to Bella it just made the whole situation worse, there was no other way for me to meet Edward if I did tell you” Alice told her. I understood her not liking been around mated mates when you had no one, it must of been horrible. “That didn’t mean you had to say that about Maria” Bella hissed Maria’s name” finding Jasper and killing him. What’s happened to you Alice? You was never like this.” Bell asked her. “I know and I’m sorry for that. It’s always you and Jasper, before you met Jasper it was just me and you, shopping. We don’t even go on weekend shopping trips any more” Alice told her. “I stopped them Alice, because how you was been with us” Bella told her. “I’m sorry” Alice told her. Bella got up and hugged her. Alice started dry sobbing. “I’m sorry everyone” Alice apologised to us all after she stopped dry sobbing.

“Ok, the question is what are we going to do about Edward he knows that there is something going on with Bella looking like his auntie” Carlisle told us while looking at Alice and Bella. “I think it’s time we told him. He’s going to find out one way or another” Bella told him. “What about you Alice?” Esme asked her. “I’m with Bells” Alice told her, while smiling at Bella. “Ok after school tomorrow invite him round to talk” Carlisle told us, we all nodded then went to our rooms for the rest the last few hours before we had to get ready for school.

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