Chapter 3

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We checked out of the hotel the next morning. There wasn't any reason to stay there much longer. What we'd all came there for was done, leaving us no reason to remain in the city longer than we had to. Alice tossed both keys at the man behind the desk and signed out both rooms. Both girls had one bag with them, I carried nothing, which Alice thought was quite ridiculous.

"Now where are we going?" Bella asked, looking at Alice with a raised eyebrow. Alice glanced at me and pursed her lips.

"A store," she said, shaking her head. Bella squealed like a little kid. I understood what Alice was planning, but I could see already that arguing with her wasn't going to get me anywhere. "One outfit is hardly acceptable for anyone."

"What are the odds of us losing her?" I muttered to Bella, who bit her lip to hide a smile that was pulling on the corners of her mouth.

"It'd have to be very spontaneous," she replied quietly. "If we make an actual decision to, she'll see it. It would have to be completely out of the blue for it to slide under her radar."

"I can hear you," said Alice, turning to glare at us, hands on her hips.

"Alice have I ever even thought about leaving you?" asked Bella, her amusement was evident in her voice and her emotions. Alice glared at her. "All right, there was that one time, but I didn't, did I?"

"So, you have to be spontaneous to get away with things around her?" I asked, watching Alice's retreating back.

"Basically," said Bella, shrugging. She frowned suddenly and turned her head, looking up at me suspiciously. "Why?" she asked slowly.

I don't know what had come over me. I don't think I've ever been so urgent about wanting to do something so major with someone I'd known for one day. It didn't feel wrong, though. I felt as if I'd known Bella for years. I grabbed her hand and leaned down, my lips next to her ear.

"Marry me," I muttered. Bella jerked her head back to stare at me, her eyes wide. I felt her surprise and disbelief hit me.

"A-Are you serious?" she asked. She looked in my eyes and the disbelief faded away. "You are serious."

"I don't think I've ever been this serious about anything for a very long time," I said, giving her hand a squeeze.

"We've only known each other-" she started.

"Since yesterday, I know," I said, running my hand down her arm. "It doesn't feel like that with me though."

Bella nodded. "It's like we've known each other for years," 2 seconds that’s all it took for my answer "Yes I will marry you Jasper Whitlock" She told me while jumping into my arms.

I grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her with all the love and passion I had for her. It had to stop quickly as Alice came out of a jewellery store and chucked me a small square box, I catched it quickly and opened it up to find a beautiful engament ring,  I took it out of the box and placed it onto Bella's ring finger, and kissed her again.

After shopping for new clothes and arguments between us all about what clothes I should get and who pays, me and Bella won, as she was backing me, saying I should wear what I want to. We arrived at a hotel in Arkansas, we had two rooms one for me and my beautiful fiancé and one for Alice.

Right now we are all sat in mine and Bella's room, all of a sudden Alice goes into a vision and her emotions are full of excitement.

"What did you see, Alice?" Bella asked.

"A coven," gushed Alice, practically bouncing up and down from excitement. I raised my eyebrows; I didn't see why her seeing another coven should make her so excited. It didn't appear to be anything to us.

Bella frowned. "Why does that excite you so much?"

"Because we're going to join them," she replied simply. My eyes snapped back to her, leaning forward slightly. Bella seemed surprised for a moment, but it faded quickly. She wasn't fazed by much anymore. She stood up to stand beside Alice.

"Is there a reason why you saw us joining this particular coven?" she asked slowly. Alice nodded. They stared at each other for a moment before Bella smiled, seeming to understand. I cleared my throat. "Alice has seen the poor soul destined to be with her."

Alice stuck her tongue out at Bella. I understood instantly, she'd seen that coven because been with that coven will lead to her soul mate. I moved to stand behind Bella, wrapping my arms around her shoulder.

"I don't know what he looks like, he hasn't been born yet, but for me to meet him we should be with the Cullen coven."

"Who are the Cullen’s Alice?" my beautiful fiancé asked her.

"There a coven of 2 mated couples. The leader is called Carlisle his mate and wife Esme, then there 'Children' " Alice told us using finger quote marks "Rosalie and Emmett are both a mated pair aswel as married. They feed off of animals like us. Carlisle works at the hospital, Esme works as an interior designer while Rosalie and Emmett go to school"

"When are we leaving?" I asked, both girls looked at me in confusion. "I know where this is leading. When are we leaving to find this coven?" I thought seen as she helped me and Bella find each other, why can’t I re-pay the favour.

"Tomorrow babe, and Alice I'll go to school but not all the fucking time, I have a life and I aint spending a fucking eternity trying to be something I'm not"

"That's fine Bella, I know what you’re like you will just tell them straight" We all chuckled at that, because Bella is feisty, after that and planned to run to New York were they are currently at, but stopping at Vegas so me and my beautiful fiancé can get married before meeting others, I know there all mated, but I am a possessive basted.

Me and Bella decided to have a Vegas wedding with just the two of us, with Alice as our witness, and then with eternity to live we can have the wedding she dreamed about, when we meet others.

Bella as always wanted a big wedding with all her friends and family, with a beautiful white dress, with bridesmaids and best men etc, and who am I to take that away from her, she’s all I’ve got, I will always make sure she has everything she wants. We decided when we get to the Cullen’s we will open a joint bank account with a card each and put both of our money together, with it together we will be millionaires. She told me she feels bad because I’m putting more money into it then her, but I told her as my wife-to-be what’s mine is hers, after a good couple of minutes she finally accepted.

Alice as gone back to her own room now, and me and Bella are going to take advantage of the room to ourselves for the night till we travel to Vegas.

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