Chapter 12

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“Are you sure about this?” Jasper asked me while he was driving us all to school. “It’s the only way to explain why I look like his auntie” I told him. Jasper pulled in to are usual parking space but Edward was stood there waiting for us. “Morning Edward” Alice told him. “Morning Alice” He pulled something out of his bag and walked over to me and Jasper. Me and Jasper looked at each other knowing what was coming. “Look how much you look like her” Edward told me showing me a picture of myself from when I was 16. “Do you want to tell me why you look like her or do I have to tell you what I think Auntie Isabella?” Edward asked me. I looked at Edward with my mouth dropped Jasper pulled me into his side. “What do you mean Edward?” Emmett asked him. “Look at the photo” Edward told him showing him the picture. “Hey Bella you could be her twin” Emmett told me. “More like be her” Edward told him. “Why would Bella be her, it’/s years old this photo I’m guessing” Emmett told him. “I think we should talk after school” Edward told us, before walking to class.

Everyone looked at me, my mouth was still hanging. “You ok Bella?” Rose asked her. “What am I suppose to do he knows it’s me” Bella asked us. “Let’s just get to class” Alice told us, I noticed nobody was in the car park. We all said are goodbyes before going to class.

When I walked into my first lesson, Edward was sat in the seat next to mine instead of Alice’s. “Great” I muttered just loud enough for Alice to hear. I walked over to my chair and sat down. “I don’t want no lie’s but is it really you?” Edward asked me. “Not now Edward” I told him.

Classes went on with no other problem, well that was until dinner came.

I walked to the dinner hall without waiting for Alice and Edward and grabbing me and Jasper some ‘food’ and sat at our table. I noticed Jasper walk in after Alice and Edward. “I’ve got your food Jazz” I told him loud enough for him to hear.

“You ok?” Jazz asked me. “I will be when this is all over. I want to go to Isle Bella when this over, to relax, just me and you” I told him. “You must of read my mind” Jasper told me while kissing my forehead.

Everyone came over to the table. “How about we go and talk and skip the rest of school?” Edward asked us. “We can’t talk until Carlisle gets back from school” Alice told him. “Why?” Edward asked us. “It’s not just our secret, you will understand later” Alice told him. “I know I don’t know what’s going on but, if you guys don’t eat why waste money?” Edward asked us. “The school food is disgusting but we have enough money to waste” Rose told him, obviously helping me with the whole situation. I could tell Alice was happy because Edward was going to know the truth. Me I’m scared, completely freaked out.  “Yeah, it’s not that nice” Edward told us. “We wouldn’t know” I said just loud enough for us vampires to hear.  Dinner finished and we went back to lessons.





The school day ended, me, Emmett and Rose walked to the car to wait for the others. Emmett and rose got in the back while I got in the driver’s seat. “Do you think B will be ok with this?” Rose asked me using her nickname. “I hope so” I told her.

“Follow us Edward” I heard Alice tell him, before they got into the car. “You sure this is going to be ok Alice, the truth?” Bella asked her. “I don’t know I hope so “ We made it back to the house in 5 minutes, when I pulled in to the garage I noticed Carlisle was home early. “He must of come home early” Rose mussed. We all got out of the car and walked round to Edward. “Come on then” Emmett told him. We all walked in to the living room. Esme must of been busy, the house had no Bella size dints in it, there was a new sete. “You get a new sete?” Edward asked us. “Jasper and Bella ruined it” Emmett told him while laughing remembering the whole thing. Edward just nodded his head and eyed me and Bella suspiciously, probably thinking how we managed to ruin a sete.

“So Bella is that you?” Edward asked her while placing the picture of her from her human years. We all looked at each other. “Just tell the truth Bella” Carlisle told her. “Yes” Bella told him. “So I was right, you are my granddad’s sister?”  Edward asked making sure he heard right. “Yes” Bella answered him.  “You are all vegetarian vampires?” Edward asked us. “What do you know Edward?” Carlisle asked him. “I now know that I was right about my Auntie Isabella, which makes me think what I read on the internet about your gold eyes is correct. You are vegetarian vampires, who live off of animals.” Edward told him while looking at Bella the whole time.

“And how do you feel about that?” Bella asked him. “I don’t know. All my life we thought you was dead. My granddad talked about you all the time before he passed a few years ago. He always said that you was out there somewhere, he thought you would try and find him one day. Why didn’t you?” Edward asked her. “I didn’t remember him until we moved to Forks when Alice told me who you were to me. I was going to look for him until I found out he passed away”  Bella answered him honestly.

“Why did you move to Forks?” Edward asked us. “Vampires don’t have boyfriends or girlfriends Edward, we have what we call mates, were in it for eternity, we love our mates unconditionally. We can never hurt them.  Me and Esme are mates aswel as Rose and Emmett and your Auntie Bella and Jasper, There not engaged, there already married, they have been for years now. But we have to act human, so the humans won’t get suspicious, but that obviously didn’t work with you. You see humans aren’t allowed to know about our existence. So please do not tell your dad about any of this not even about Bella” Carlisle told him. “Ok but why did you tell me all that?” Edward asked him. “You are Alice’s mate, but she’s been taking it slow because you’re human” Bella told him. Edward looked at Alice then back to Bella. “Ok, but why can’t I tell my dad his Auntie’s alive” Edward asked us. “He’ll start asking questions. You’re only aloud to know Edward because your Alice’s mate, but your dad cants neither can anyone else, you have to keep our secret” Carlisle told him.

“I promise I wont tell anyone. At least I know my Auntie Isabella is still alive” Edward told us. “Just Bella or Aunt Bella Edward. I haven’t been called Isabella since my human life” Bella told him.

We all talked for a while, Bella learnt a lot about Edward and her brother.

“Well I best get going back to my dad’s. He’s not been in a good place lately” Edward told us. “Tell him Lucas wouldn’t want him to be like that, he’d want him to enjoy his life” Bella told him. “Ok, bye everyone, bye Aunt Bella” Edward told us before getting in his car. “Luck after yourself” Bella told him.

We all went back in to the living room. “You ok darlin?” I asked Bella, I needed to know. “I will be when school finishes so we can go to Rio. I was thinking making it a family holiday, maybe invite Edward.” Bella told me “It’s up to you. We can go on our own for a while and then invite them to come. We could even invite Peter and Char.” Bella nodded her head. “Sounds good” We went up to our room with our new bed what Esme got us, and relaxed for the night.

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