As the class begun, Jungkook sat down on his seat behind the classroom near the windows. He always focused and listening at the classes because that was all he got left, ignoring everyone around him. Which was why he couldn't always hear what other people were talking about, and honestly, he didn't even care.

"Look at that loser, I'm sure his brain is fucking shambled" Hoseok pointed at Jungkook with his eyes. The five boys sat behind the classroom right next to Jungkook while whispering to each other.

"Ah yeah, I don't get how this fucking stupid and mannerless thing even got into a school like this.. he was born with a fucking silver spoon in his ass so his rich mommy and daddy probs paid him in" Taehyung said quietly so the other students couldn't hear him but loud enough for Jungkook to hear since he sat basically next to them.

"Just look at him sitting there all high and mighty, as if he's actually studying. Bitch thinks he's better than any of us in here.." Taehyung continued.

"Yeah, well that's why he gets good grades cause he's the fucking teachers pet, never uttering a single word." Jimin said in a mocking voice looking at Jungkook who usually ignored all that but for some reason, his mind made him speak up for himself.

"Umm no, I get good grades cause instead of shit talking about others in class, I actually listen to the teaching." He exclaimed, without even moving his head nor making any sort of eye contact with any of the guys.

Jungkook never usually talked back even when this happened daily. The clear shock on the guys faces was unforgettable, even though Jungkook was upset, he kept pretending like nothing had happened. The last thing he wanted was attention.

"What the fuck he's saying.." Taehyung muttered under his breath while rolling his eyes. It was truly surprising to get something out of the single worded empty looking dude.

Jungkook hated how people would talk about him as if they knew him, when in fact no one knew anything about him, he barely even knew himself. So how could anyone else pretened to know more?
and. And so the boy got lost in his thoughts.

"Oh my god, I am so so sorry Jeon Jungkook!" a girl yelled in panic and apologized to Jungkook as she had accidentally brought down her coffee right on Jungkook's lap. But he didn't even flinch when the hot coffee flew all over him. Jungkook just slowly came out of his thoughts, blinking a few times, feeling the pleasant and painful burning against his thighs and chest.

He gave a cold glare to the girl who was really sorry and tried helplessly wipe off the coffee on Jungkook's lap. It only just ended up looking extremely awkward especially when everyone in the class were watching the two. Jungkook brushed her hands away on his lap as he stood up.

"Just leave it" he said casually, softening his eyes at her to imply it's okay. He wasn't being too rude since he saw how terrified the girl looked like. He grabbed his belongings and walked out of the classroom leaving the girl feeling bad as she sat on her own seat and got scolded by the teacher for bringing coffee at the lesson.

"Hahah well deserved." Taehyung laughed seeing Jungkook walking out.
"I know right." Jimin just agreed.
"Do you think he got burned badly?" Seokjin asked casually, not feeling sad for him but genuinely wondering.
"Who even cares he's gonna burn in hell either way with that shitty attitude of his" Taehyung laughed, high fiving with Jimin.
"Uuuh that was a good one" Jimin laughed.


After the class Jimin and his friends walked into the restrooms to find Jungkook washing his coffee stained shirt.

"Ay bellend, hope you got burned well" Taehyung said as he pushed Jungkook harshly with his shoulder, leaning against the sink next to him.
"Rich kids never has fucking manners, tell me Jungkook what in life is so fucking difficult that you need to be a bitch to everyone" Jimin pushed Jungkook on the other side, leaning against the sink as well.

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