Chapter 27

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We arrived in Colombia around midnight, and Jason's lavish party was tomorrow night, so we had some time to go to our rental house for the time being. Ghost was adamant that we stay somewhere that wasn't tied to either of our names, so we rented a house for three days. My blonde beauty said she wouldn't stay in a house without floor to ceiling windows, so I found a house that was completely made of glass, and visible from the outside. It was secluded, and had a perfect view of the beach beside us. I was overjoyed when she told me she loved it, and even gave me a genuine smile. The sight made my heart flutter. 

I walked past her room and was relieved to hear that her shower was still running. I quickly walked over to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my duffle bag before I entered the bathroom, and locked that door as well. I sat down on the toilet, and grabbed the journal from my bag and quickly started to scan the pages. 

Day 365

001 came back today, she was gone for a while, maybe a few months. She seemed... different, and just kept staring at me with her eyebrows furrowed. Everyday we would always get another roommate, due to the fact that every roommate that we've had so far has just...died. Either they couldn't handle the torture sessions, or they died down in the basement. One of them even went insane...267 was his number I think. He was here for a month before he grabbed a gun from a guard and shot himself in the head, guess he thought death was better than being here.

...and I'm starting to think he's right. 

Day 384

As usual, we were taken from our rooms, and separated. I've come to realize that everyone receives the same torture sessions, and they were preformed based off of how long they've been here. I noticed it when I saw one of our new roommates with the same cuts on her arms I had the first week I was here. The room they took me to was different than the one I was use to. It was all white, and smelled sterile, like a hospital. They strapped me to a chair, and injected me with some sort of red liquid. It burned my veins, and I felt as if my entire body was going to combust into flames. I kept screaming, and yelling, trying to get them to stop, but they kept increasing the dosage. I remember flatlining for a bit... until they shocked me back to life. I couldn't help the sting of disappointment I felt when I heard my heart rate return... 

They should have let me die. 

Day 401

The injections continued... and our roommates kept dying during their sessions. I didn't even bother to make conversation with the new ones anymore, they were just going to die anyway. Whatever they're injecting me with, they keep upping the dosage everyday. It makes me feel... numb. Painfully numb. As if I can't feel anything. No sadness, no despair, no fear, nothing at fucking all. 

Day 415

They keep injecting me with that shit. I feel like my soul is no longer present within my body, and all that's left of me is just a hallow shell of the woman I use to be...whoever the hell that is. Today they injected me with something else... a black fluid. They stuck it in my arm, and ordered me to cut myself with a knife. I refused, and they injected more into me... over... and over again. It was different from the red liquid. It didn't burn, but it made my consciousness fade. Like I couldn't control my own decisions anymore. Eventually, I gave in to their command immediately, and cut my wrist with the knife on command. I was so numb from the red injection that I couldn't feel anything. 

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