Chapter 11-For the Love of Sea Turtles I

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This chapter is something that is not in my original drafts

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This chapter is something that is not in my original drafts. It's a fun experiment we get to try together. 

By popular request, I am going to write a chapter from Stevie's POV. (Point of View) 

Honestly, this had not really entered into my mind to write a chapter from a guy's pov, but I've given it a lot of thought and I'd like to give it a try. 

Forgive me if this chapter isn't all you would hope it to be. 

I love you all, thank you so much for reading!

It wasn't suppose to happen like this.

Stevie propped his tarnished, charcoal boot against the cold, cement bench outside the school lawn. 

He looked over at a giant pile of gnarled brush that had somehow intertwined it's way into the monstrous mountain.

It seemed out of place. 

He watched as the sunset lit up the gaping holes of the brush pile. It  created dancing shadows. 

Somehow, I was jealous of the shadows, they could easily hide,  Stevie thought.

I need to hide from the world today.

Stevie, exhaled, picking at the diminishing black polish on his middle nail. 

"I didn't mean to fall for my best friend,

" You really screwed up, idiot,Stevie muttered under his breath.

He knew no one was around to hear his confession.

Just a robust squirrel in a large, oak tree chewing on a  gnarled  peanut. 

His black, beady eyes were unusually focused on Stevie as he ravaged the nut. 

It's jovial cheeks moved up and down with precision as it dwindled the peanut shell down to a shred. 

Stevie was hypnotized by the critter's actions as he allowed his thoughts go into overdrive. 

It started with sea turtles. Stevie smirked. 

Carmen always cried at every Youtube video she watched on involving sea turtles bound in plastic. 

I'm not talking like a little weep, I mean a full on bawl type of situation.

It's completely understandable, those videos are cruel and unusual punishment.

Poor, abandon, creatures crawling on a desolate beach, struggling to breathe through a plastic ring noose meant for Pepsi.

They were trapped and dying a slow, uncaring death. 

Their green shells were drenched in mustard colored toxins.  They were engulfed in crusted dirt. 

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