💚 Peridot x Shy!Female!Ruby!reader 💚

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Requested by Brookie_OwO

(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname

(Y/N)'s POV

Steven decided to have one of his sleep overs, I don't mind his human activities, I just didn't understand the point of them.

I was fairly new to the Crystal Gems, coming from Homeworld with my team of Rubies in search of Jasper.

I had been left behind by Navy when she was escaping, that traitor. Though I don't mind all that much, Earth is such a great place, and the people here are so nice!

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?? (Y/N)!?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Steven's consistent shouting.

"H-Huh?" I said confused, was he talking to me?

"(Y/N), were you even listening? I was explaining how a Sleepover works! I really want you to take part too!" Steven complained.

"O-Oh...sorry Steven, I'll pay attention now" I told him, determined to listen closely.

"Okay, so basically a sleepover is where you bring a bunch of friends over to your house, and well...you have fun, and then you sleep!" Steven explained excitedly.

"Sleep? What is sleep?" I asked confused, I wasn't listening when Navy had gotten an explanation on earth's ways of life, I was chasing pumpkin...

"It's well...how do I explain this...y-" Steven said before being interrupted by the Warp pad activating.

Glancing over I saw two figures.

"Hey, it's Lapis and Peridot! This is perfect, they can join us for the sleepover! Right (Y/N)?" Steven asked me.

'P-Peridot...and me...together?...' I thought to myself.

"Y-YES THEY CAN!" I shouted before covering my mouth and blushing, turning my red face a darker shade.

"I-I mean yes...t-they should..." I stuttered out hopelessly.

"Steven, I'm sorry we cannot join you in your...activities but Lapis and I have imp-" Peridot tried to say before being cut off by Lapis.

"I'm down, scoot over Steven" Lapis stated, before pushing Steven to make room on the bed.

"L-Lapis!? What are you doing?" Peridot asked, slightly embarrassed.

"What does it look like I'm doing? building a ship?" Lapis asked sarcastically before closing her eyes.

"Peridot you can sleep next to (Y/N), I just have to explain what sleep actually is first..." Steven told Peridot.

"So basically, sleep is where you close your eyes and think of absolutely nothing, until you slowly drift off to sleep, got it?" Steven asked me.

"I...think I do" I answered unsure.

"Good! Now lets get some shut eye" He replied before, turning over and closing his eyes.

Groaning in annoyance, and defeat, Peridot plopped down next to me before laying her head down on my lap, making my face heat up.

"W-What are you d-doing P-Peridot!?" I stuttered out nearly flaming.

"Well, I'm not going to sleep on the floor! So I'm going to sleep on you, now sit still!" Peridot said before snuggling more into my lap.

Straightening my posture, my entire body felt hot, it was like I was on fire.

Oh wait, I am.

"AHHHHHHHH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" Peridot screeched, jumping up and down trying to cool off her burning body.

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