"That could work, how would we do it?" You ask.

"How about we get breakfast on the way to the shops, I'll explain then." He smiles down at you and places a kiss to your forehead.

"Fine, what are we going to eat?" You place your hands on your hips and look up to him.

"How about French toast? Tea or hot chocolate?" He lets you decide knowing those were your favourite winter go to hot drinks.

"Deal." You snap your fingers changing both of you into warm clothing for the cold winter air.

"What's this?" Bucky looks up and pulls a green beanie with one single eye off of his head messing up his hair.

"I don't know, I thought it was funny. Isn't he from that movie you made me watch? What was it called?" You fail to remember something and he scoffs at you.

"Monsters ink. How could you forget? You never forget." He teases and puts the beanie on your head making you squirm. He laughs at you and you tilt your head back looking down through your bottom lashes when he accidentally covered your eyes, you drop your head back and pout your lips unamused. "Hello there." He smiled as he gently grabbed the rim of the beanie and flipped it up giggling at your face.

"I'm hungry." You frown and cross your arms like a child.

"You're already craving food?" He teases more and you roll your eyes playfully before removing the beanie.

"I've always craved food, what are you talking about?" You squeeze your eyes shut and stick your tongue out at him, you feel a pinch on the tip of your tongue and look down to see him inches from your face with his teeth gently locked onto the muscle you stuck out at him. "Owgh." You try to say with your tongue still locked between his teeth, he lets go and you shoot your tongue back into your mouth. "You always do that." He chuckles at you and you squint your eyes.

"And you never learn." He adds earning him a playful slap on the shoulder by you.

"I'm actually hungry now." You glare at him and he chuckles as he drapes his right arm over your shoulders leading you out of your bathroom and down the stairs of your medium sized house towards your car outside. He opens the door for you and you sit in the passenger seat.

The drive to your local café was short with Christmas songs playing over the radio that you began singing along to, Bucky would join in a couple times before stopping just to listen to you. You yawned as you watched the white snow pass by your window that began fogging up from your warm breath, you watched the trees as Bucky turned off of the main road and into the parking lot of the small café.

"M'lady." Bucky held out a hand to you after opening your door giving you a cheeky smile.

"Why thank you." You take his hand and accept his offer to help you out of the car. You giggle as he closes the door and locks the car before pulling himself closer to you linking your arms together, he rested his head on yours as you snuggled together for warmth before reaching the glass doors of the café. "You just want the French toast?" He looks down at you and you look towards the menu board above the counter.

"Yeh, and I'll take a hot chocolate." You smile up at him and he looks to the board himself. "I'll go get a table." You kiss his cheek and he turns back to you after you left to find a two seater table in the corner near the window. You walk over and sit down waiting for him to order, you pull out your phone and scroll through the messages you received over night.

You're still coming to game night tonight?

Yeh, we're coming. When have we never?

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now